Universitat fur Bodenkultur Wien University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna Department of Forest-and Soil Sciences Forest management and nutrient cycling I Sustainability concerns Klaus Katzensteiner Institute of Forest Ecology,BOKU Vienna October 28-29,2013,College of Forestry,Northwest A&F University,Yangling,China 出出
Forest management and nutrient cycling I Sustainability concerns Klaus Katzensteiner Ins3tute of Forest Ecology, BOKU Vienna October 28-29, 2013, College of Forestry, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China Universität für Bodenkultur Wien University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences
Universitat fur Bodenkultur Wien University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna Forest biomass utilization in Austria Department of Forest-and Soil Sciences Partly based on the presentation Impacts of increased biomass use on soil sustainability Au(see Helmisaari H.-.and Vanguelova E.(eds.)2013:Forest bioenergy and soil sustainability, http://www.oecd.ora/tad/crp/Forest-Bioenergy-Soil-Sustainability Proceedings.pdf Klaus Katzensteiner Institute of Forest Ecology,BOKU Vienna With contributions from Kasimir P.Nemestothy,Austrian Chamber of Agriculture Michael Englisch,Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests(BFW) EUROSOIL 2012 Bari,Italy
Impacts of increased biomass use on soil sustainability in Austria (see Helmisaari H.-S. and Vanguelova E. (eds.) 2013: Forest bioenergy and soil sustainability, hNp://www.oecd.org/tad/crp/Forest-Bioenergy-Soil-Sustainability_Proceedings.pdf ) Klaus Katzensteiner Ins3tute of Forest Ecology, BOKU Vienna With contribu3ons from Kasimir P. Nemestothy, Austrian Chamber of Agriculture Michael Englisch, Austrian Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests (BFW) EUROSOIL 2012 Bari, Italy Universität für Bodenkultur Wien University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna Forest biomass uTlizaTon in Austria Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences Partly based on the presentaTon
EU Biomass Action Plan 2005 EU 20-20-20 targets Renewable energy sources 2003: 69 Mtoe biomass(4 of the energy demand), target 2010:150 Mtoe biomass total 43 Mtoe forest biomass Target 2020:20 renewable energy sources biomass contribution:230 Mtoe potential from forest:39-72 Mtoe Austria 2020:34 renewable energy sources 1 Mtoe(million tons oil equivalent)=41.87 PJ 1 PJ=0.13 million m3 timber
EU Biomass Ac,on Plan 2005 EU 20-20-20 targets Renewable energy sources 2003: 69 Mtoe biomass (4 % of the energy demand), target 2010: 150 Mtoe biomass total 43 Mtoe forest biomass Target 2020: 20 % renewable energy sources biomass contribuTon: 230 Mtoe potenTal from forest: 39 – 72 Mtoe Austria 2020: 34 % renewable energy sources 1 Mtoe (million tons oil equivalent) = 41.87 PJ 1 PJ = 0.13 million m³ 3mber
Austria:8.4 Mio ha,47.6 forest 4,1 1200 4,0 1100 (ey o!W)eaue isaJoy 3,9 1000 3,8 900 -Forest area 3,7 ●-Total stock 800 3,6 700 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Inventory period(year) Population:8.5 Mio
700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 3,6 3,7 3,8 3,9 4,0 4,1 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Total stock Mio cubic meter Forest area (Mio ha) Inventory period (year) Forest area Total stock Austria: 8.4 Mio ha, 47.6 % forest Popula3on: 8.5 Mio
Gross inland energy consumption of Austria 2010 1458 PJ=405 TWh 35 Mtoe 200 Mio.cubic meter timber equivalent Wind &PV 0,5% Electricity net import ambient 0,6% 0,9% Coal 28,2%renewable hydropower 9,5% 9,7% Bio-energy (incl. waste) 17,3% 71,2%fossile oil 37,7% Gas 23,8% Source:Statistik Austria(2010)
Gross inland energy consumption of Austria 2010 1458 PJ = 405 TWh = 35 Mtoe = 200 Mio. cubic meter timber equivalent Source: Sta3s3k Austria (2010) Coal 9,7% Oil 37,7% Gas 23,8% Bio-energy (incl. waste) 17,3% hydropower 9,5% ambient 0,9% Wind & PV 0,5% Electricity net import 0,6% 71,2 % fossile 28,2 % renewable
Renewable energy consumption of Austria 2010 411 PJ=114 TWh=9,8 Mtoe 56 Mio.solid cubic meter timber equivalent Wind PV 7,7 PJ ambient 12,8PJ Hydropower 138,3PJ Bio-energy (incl.waste) 252,5PJ 61,4%Bio-energy Source:Statistik Austria(2010)
Renewable energy consumption of Austria 2010 411 PJ = 114 TWh = 9,8 Mtoe = 56 Mio. solid cubic meter timber equivalent Source: Sta3s3k Austria (2010) Bio-energy (incl. waste) 252,5 PJ Hydropower 138,3 PJ ambient 12,8 PJ Wind & PV 7,7 PJ 61,4 % Bio-energy
Bioenergy utilization in Austria -demand Biomass heating plants combined heating power plants >1.500 Biomass district heating plants >1.350 MW heating power (average per plant 1 MW approx.115 Biomass CHP plants approx.310 MWEL or 1.400 MWGHP A 025 5075 100 Kilometers
approx. 115 Biomass CHP plants approx. 310 MWEL or 1.400 MWGHP > 1.500 Biomass district heaNng plants > 1.350 MW heaNng power (average per plant < 1 MW ) Bioenergy utilization in Austria - demand Biomass heating plants & combined heating & power plants
Wood based biomass for energy is to a high percentage supplied as by-products of the sawmill,pulp and paper industry(bark,sawdust,black liquor) Import Export SL,IRW.FW 10.1Mio.m3 Austrian Forestry 23.6Mio.m3 inc Other Wood Sources 8.2 Mio.m2 Total wood energy LEGEND [All values are given in million m:values D.1 m*million are not shown] 24.3 Mio.m2(incl.black liquor) 口5 wiogs SLI 口Crois-Cut Ends Sawml Ce-products (5CPl,By-products.Compressed wood 口Wood Chips □t15ckL0o ■De3 d wood..etc ▣Sawhwood&Semt-tinished Product起 The rest is firewood(7.6 Mio cubic meter equiv.)and wood chips(4.2 Mio cubic meter equiv);approx.half of it from the forest
The rest is firewood (7.6 Mio cubic meter equiv.) and wood chips (4.2 Mio cubic meter equiv); approx. half of it from the forest¶ Wood based biomass for energy is to a high percentage supplied as by-products of the sawmill, pulp and paper industry (bark, sawdust, black liquor)
Energy from woody biomass in Austria (Estimates until 2020) Total energy from woody biomass 25.000.000 2010.… 19,5 Mio.cubic meter equiv 2020. ≈22,5Mio.cme 20.000.000 Difference ≈+3,0Mio.cme 石 15.000.000 E 10.000.000 3 5.000.000 0 1990199219941996199820002002200420062008201020122014201620182020 KWKAnlagen Heizwerke口Pellets口Briketts■Stuckholz CHP plants,heating plants,woody pellets,wood bricks,firewood Sources:AEA,research
Energy from woody biomass in Austria (Estimates until 2020) Sources: AEA, research 2010 … ≈ 19,5 Mio. cubic meter equiv. 2020 … ≈ 22,5 Mio. cme Difference ≈ + 3,0 Mio. cme (cubic meter / a) CHP plants, hea3ng plants, woody pellets, wood bricks, firewood Total energy from woody biomass