previous a. having happened or existed before the event,time,or thing that youare talking about now 在前的,早先的 effort n. the physical or mental energy that is needed to do something 努力,成就 correspond V. to write letters to someone and receive letters from them 通信 ship v. 1 to send goodsor people somewhere byship (用船)运送 2 to send goodstocustomers,usually by air or land (通常经空中或陆地)发送,托运(货物) overseas a.1 happening or existing in a country across the sea from your country (在)海外的,(在)国外的 2 coming from a country across the sea 来自海外的,来自国外的 ad.to or in a countryacross the sea 向海外,向国外,在海外,在国外 fertile a. fertile land or soil is able to producegood crops;able to produce babies,young animals,or new plants 肥沃的,富饶的,能繁殖的 romance n an exciting and often short relationship between two people wholove each other 浪漫史,艳事 bud v.to producea young tightlyrolled-up flower or leaf before it opens 发芽,萌芽 to ask for somethingin a polite or formal way 请求,要求 lapel n. the part of the frontof a coat or jacket that is joined to the collar and folded back oneachside previous a. having happened or existed before the event, time, or thing that you are talking about now 在前的,早先的 effort n. the physical or mental energy that is needed to do something 努力,成就 correspond v. to write letters to someone and receive letters from them 通信 ship v. ① to send goods or people somewhere by ship (用船)运送 ② to send goods to customers, usually by air or land (通常经空中或陆地)发送,托运(货物) overseas a. ① happening or existing in a country across the sea from your country (在)海外的,(在)国外的 ② coming from a country across the sea 来自海外的,来自国外的 ad. to or in a country across the sea 向海外,向国外,在海外,在国外 fertile a. fertile land or soil is able to produce good crops; able to produce babies,young animals,or new plants 肥沃的,富饶的,能繁殖的 romance n. an exciting and often short relationship between two people who love each other 浪漫史,艳事 bud v. to produce a young tightly rolled-up flower or leaf before it opens 发芽,萌芽 request v. to ask for something in a polite or formal way 请求,要求 lapel n. the part of the front of a coat or jacket that is joined to the collar and folded back on each side
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