THREE ESSAYS ON SEXUALITY THE UAL ABERRATIONS the various cases which I have enumerated and would prefe to lay stress upon their differences rather than their resem (2)It is similarly found in people whose efficiency is un blances, in accordance with their own preferred view of inver- mpaired, and who are indeed distinguished by specially high sion. Nevertheless, though the distinctions cannot be disputed intellectual development and ethical culture. I it is impossible to overlook the existence of numerous inter (3)If we disregard the patients we come across in our medical mediate examples of every type, so that we are driven to con practice, and cast our eyes round a wider horizon, we shall clude that we are dealing with a connected series ome in two directions upon facts which make it impossible to gard inversion as a sign of degeneracy a) Account must be taken of the fact that NATURE OF The earliest assessments regarded inversion as INVERSION an innate indication of nervous degeneracy. This corresponded to the fact that medical observers charged with important functions-among the first came across it in persons suffering, or appearing to suffer, quity at the height of their civilization from nervous diseases. This characterization of inversion in (6)It is remarkably widespread among many savage and volves two suppositions, which must be considered separately primitive races, whereas the concept of degeneracy is usuall that it is innate and that it is degenerate restricted to states of high civilization(cf. Bloch); and amongst the civilized peoples of Europe, climate and race exercise the most powerful influence on the prevalence of ACY The attribution of degeneracy in this connec- inversion and upon the attitude adopted towards it. 2 tion is open to the objections which can be raised against the indiscriminate use of the word in general. It has become the fashion to regard any symptom which is not NNATE As may be supposed, innateness is only attri obviously due to trauma or infection as a sign of degeneracy HaRaCter buted to the first, most extreme, class of inverts, Magnan's classification of degenerates is indeed of such a kind and the evidence for it rests upon assurances given as not to exclude the possibility of the concept of degeneracy by them that at no time in their lives has their sexual instinct being applied to a nervous system whose general functioning shown any sign of taking another course. The very existence of is excellent. This being so, it may well be asked whether an e two other classes, and especially the third [the"contingent attribution of degeneracy'is of any value or adds anything to inverts], is difficult to reconcile with the hypothesis of the in- our knowledge. It seems wiser nateness of inversion. This explains why those who support this (1)several serious deviations from the normal are found view tend to separate out the group of absolute inverts from all together, and the rest, thus abandoning any attempt at giving an account the capacity for efficient functioning and survival seem of inversion which shall have universal application. In view of these authorities inversion is innate in one to be severely impaired.1 Several facts go to show that in this legitimate sense of the of cases, while in others it may have come about word inverts cannot be regarded as degenerate way (1)Inversion is found in people who exhibit no other serious The reverse of this view is represented by the alternative deviations from the normal one that inversion is an acquired character of the sexual 1 It must be allowed that the spokesmen of'Uranism'arc justified in that sserting that some of the most prominent men in all recorded history The pathological approach to the study of inversion has been dis- nce be clear that there is small value in ever making a diagnosis of change is due to Bloch ( 1902-3), who has also laid stress on the occur rence of inversion among the civilizations of antiquity
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