c.Dionosul viscous d Linoidol 10.Intravenous urography is contraindicated in all except a.Pregnancy b. Renal insufficiency :d Renal trauma Hypersensitivity to contrast 11.Best investigation in acute cholecystitisis a. echnetium scan lain x ray abd 12 Left atrial hy radiologically as Double cardiac h Left bronchial elevation Straightnening of left border d.all of the above 13.Left to right shunt is usually demonstrated in chest xray by a.Increase in pulmonary venous markings b. Increase in size of pulmonary arteries Increase in pulmonary vascular markings 14.Notchingof ribs are seenin p.ASD teins anmoly d.Coarctation of aorta 15.lleum in barium looks like a Characteristic b.Irregular dilatation c.Characterless d.None of the above 16.Oligaemiclung fields are seen in a.T0时 17.Angle No e of the trach hrsiamisincreasedinenlargemento c.Rt atrium d It atrium 18.Free air under the diaphragm may be seen in all except a.Peritoneal dialysis b. Bowel perforation Immediate post operative 19.nvestigation of chodiagnosingrenal calculiis d 20.Bats wingappearanceon chest skiagram is classically seenin cases of y pulmonary HTN b Pulmor ary oedema c.Pericardial effusion c. Dionosul viscous d. Lipoidol 10.Intravenous urography is contraindicated in all except a. Pregnancy b. Renal insufficiency c. Renal trauma d. Hypersensitivity to contrast 11.Best investigation in acute cholecystitis is a. Technetium scan b. USG c. Plain x ray abd d. CT 12.Left atrial hypertrophy is seen radiologically as a. Double cardiac shadow b. Left bronchial elevation c. Straightnening of left border d. All of the above 13.Left to right shunt is usually demonstrated in chest x ray by a. Increase in pulmonary venous markings b. Increase in size of pulmonary arteries c. Increase in pulmonary vascular markings 14.Notching of ribs are seen in a. PDA b. ASD c. Ebsteins anmoly d. Coarctation of aorta 15.Ileum in barium looks like a. Characteristic b. Irregular dilatation c. Characterless d. None of the above 16.Oligaemic lung fields are seen in a. TOF b. ASD c. VSD d. None of the above 17.Angle of tracheal bifurcation is increased in enlargement of a. Rt ventricle b. Lt ventricle c. Rt atrium d. Lt atrium 18.Free air under the diaphragm may be seen in all except a. Peritoneal dialysis b. Bowel perforation c. Immediate post operative d. Uncomplicated intestinal obstruction 19.Investigation of choice for diagnosing renal calculi is a. Plain x ray KUB b. IVP c. USG d. CT 20.Bats wing appearance on chest skiagram is classically seen in cases of a. Primary pulmonary HTN b. Pulmonary oedema c. Pericardial effusion
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