Contents xiii 16.18 Fractional fringe order determination-compensation techniques 451 16.19 Isoclinics-circular polarisation 452 16.20 Stress separation procedures 454 16.21 Three-dimensional photoelasticity 454 16.22 Reflective coating technique 454 16.23 Other methods of strain measurement 456 Bibliography 456 Appendix 1.Typical mechanical and physical properties for engineering materials xxi Appendix 2.Typical mechanical properties of non-metals xxii Appendix 3.Other properties of non-metals xxiii Index XXVContents xiii 16.18 Fractional fringe order determination - compensation techniques 16.19 Isoclinics - circular polarisation 16.20 Stress separation procedures 16.21 Three-dimensional photoelasticity 16.22 Reflective coating technique 16.23 Other methods of strain measurement Bibliography Appendix 1. Typical mechanical and physical pro'prties for engineering materials Appendix 2. Typical mechanical properties of non-metals Appendix 3. Other properties of non-metals 45 1 452 454 454 454 456 456 xxi xxii xxiii Index xxv
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