土克水earth destroys water表证dieases of the exterior里证diseases of the interior寒证diseases caused by cold热证diseases caused by heat四诊four diagnostic methods望诊inspection间诊auscultation and olfactior问诊inquiy切诊pulse feeling and palpation八纲eightprinciples of differentiating diseases阴阳yin and yang表里the exterior and interior of the body寒热cold and heat 虚实insufficiency and excessiveness辨证施治diagnosis and treatment诊脉to feel the pulse palpation土克水 earth destroys water 表证 dieases of the exterior 里证 diseases of the interior 寒证 diseases caused by cold 热证 diseases caused by heat 四诊 four diagnostic methods 望诊 inspection 闻诊 auscultation and olfaction 问诊 inquiry 切诊 pulse feeling and palpation 八纲 eight principles of differentiating diseases 阴阳 yin and yang 表里 the exterior and interior of the body 寒热 cold and heat 虚实 insufficiency and excessiveness 辨证施治 diagnosis and treatment 诊脉 to feel the pulse palpation
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