Information on China's border Check and Security Check Frontier Defense Inspection of the People's Republic of China. Frontier Defense Inspection of the People's China firmly adheres to the policy of opening to the outside Republic of China:中国边防检查 world.Now 115 ports located in various places(including adheres to the policy of opening to the outside airports,harbors,border railway stations and passes)have world:坚持改革开放政策 been opened to the outside,every port has a Frontier Defense border railway stations and passes:边防火车站 Inspection Station 和通道 Frontier Defense Inspection Stations are an examination examination and administration organ for and administration organ for border entry and exit.Their border entry and exit:出入境检查的管理机关 tasks are to safeguard the sovereignty of the People's safeguard the sovereignty of the People's Republic of China,maintain its security and public order, Republic of China:维护国家主权 facilitate international exchange,and examine and administer Entry Inspection:入境检查 passports,certificates and means oftransport of all persons excluding those of mutual visa exemption:互免 who enter or leave the country. 签证除外 diplomatic missions,consular offices:外交机关 Entry Inspection 或领事机关 For entry into China,aliens(excluding those of mutual visa Ministry of Foreign Affairs:外交部 exemption)shall apply for visa from Chinese diplomatic missions,consular offices or other resident agencies abroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Except specifically designated on the visa,all aliens may enter or leave China at any open port. 33 Information on China’s border Check and Security Check Frontier Defense Inspection of the People’s Republic of China. China firmly adheresto the policy of opening to the outside world. Now 115 ports locatedin various places(including airports, harbors, border railway stations and passes) have been opened to the outside,everyport has a FrontierDefense Inspection Station FrontierDefense InspectionStations are an examination and administration organ for border entry and exit. Their tasks are to safeguardthe sovereignty ofthe People’s Republic of China, maintain its security and public order, facilitate international exchange, and examine and administer passports, certificates and means of transport of all persons who enter or leave the country. Entry Inspection For entry into China, aliens(excluding those of mutual visa exemption) shall apply for visa from Chinese diplomatic missions, consular offices or other resident agencies abroad authorized by the Ministry of ForeignAffairs. Except specifically designatedonthe visa, all aliens may enter or leave China at any open port. Frontier Defense Inspection of the People’s Republic of China: 中国边防检查 adheres to the policy of opening to the outside world:坚持改革开放政策 border railway stations and passes:边防火车站 和通道 examination and administration organ for border entry and exit:出入境检查的管理机关 safeguard the sovereignty of the People’s Republic of China:维护国家主权 Entry Inspection: 入境检查 excluding those of mutual visa exemption:互免 签证除外 diplomatic missions, consular offices:外交机关 或领事机关 Ministry of Foreign Affairs:外交部
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