Some Web Stuff Acknowledgments ct of this scope is ever done alone.These are team efforts.and there are several people who havd and facilitated n n fashion antho deserve my thanks le person. He has gone to Hene olmytnd commenon myee have w colleague,Dr.Eric Kantorows Dr.Kristen Meisenheimer,and Dr.Dan Mattern. Mr.Richard King has offered numerous suggestions on how I am grade to them al Good hooks would not exis withoutther dedication.profession and experience Among the man ople who contributed The entire manuscript was produced using ChemDr the remarkable software for drawing ridge,MA.W re n oodm ny y u Lang who su a Jan William Sirek CaPoly State Univers and Biochemistry 3407 DEDICATION To my inspirational chemistry teachers Joe Plaskas,who made the batter Kurt Kaufman,who baked the cake; Carl Dierassi,who put on the icing: and to my parents: Ervin J.and Imilda B.Simek. who had the original concept Some Web Stuff Prentice-Hall maintains a w eb site dedicated to the Wade text: try www.prenhall.com/wade. Two essential web sites providing spectra are listed on the bottom of p. 270. Acknowledgments No project of this scope is ever done alone. These are team efforts, and there are several people who have assisted and facilitated in one fashion or another who deserve my thanks. Professor L. G. Wade, Jr., your textbook author, is a remarkable person. He has gone to extraordinary lengths to make the textbook as clear, organized, informative and insightful as possible. He has solicited and followed my suggestions on his text, and his comments on my solutions have been perceptive and valuable. We agreed early on that our primary goal is to help the students learn a fascinating and challenging subject, and all of our efforts have been directed toward that goal. I have appreciated our collaboration. My new colleague, Dr. Eric Kantorowski, has reviewed the entire manuscript for accuracy and style. His diligence, attention to detail and chemical wisdom have made this a better manual. Eric stands on the shoulders of previous reviewers who scoured earlier editions for errors: Jessica Gilman, Dr. Kristen Meisenheimer, and Dr. Dan Mattern. Mr. Richard King has offered numerous suggestions on how to clarify murky explanations. I am grateful to them all. The people at Prentice-Hall have made this project possible. Good books would not exist without their dedication, professionalism, and experience. Among the many people who contributed are: Lee Englander, who connected me with this project; Nicole Fo1chetti, Advanced Chemistry Editor; and Kristen Kaiser and Carole Snyder, Project Managers. The entire manuscript was produced using ChemDraw®, the remarkable software for drawing chemical structures developed by CambridgeSoft Corp., Cambridge, MA. We, the users of sophisticated software like ChemDraw, are the beneficiaries of the intelligence and creativity of the people in the computer industry. We are fortunate that they are so smart. Finally, I appreciate my friends who supported me throughout this project, most notably my good friend of almost forty years, Judy Lang. The students are too numerous to list, but it is for them that all this happens. Jan William Simek Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Cal Poly State University San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 Email: jsimek@calpoly.edu DEDICATION To my inspirational chemistry teachers: Joe Plaskas, who made the batter; Kurt Kaufman, who baked the cake; Carl Djerassi, who put on the icing; and to my parents: Ervin J. and Imilda B. Simek, who had the original concept. vi
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