to a lecture delivered using structure 2. Task 4 Lecture structure(3):Contestable markets The aim of this task is to give students the experience of listening to a lecture delivered using structure 3. The original lecture was given in the Economics Department at the University of Reading,with the lecturer talking about different types of markets.It is from the same lecture that was used in Unit 6. When the lecturer discussed monopolies and dominance. Note:The theory of contestable markets suggests that they are self-regulating. because other companies can easily move into the market.The result should be that the companies already in the market have to remain competitive and keep prices down because they might lose part of their market share to a new supplier. Task 5 Microskills:Word families (2) This task consolidates and extends the work done in Unit 3 on word families. 3.问题与应用(能力要求》 Practise delivering lectures in Structure 1 and 2. (三)思考与实践 Extension activity For higher-level groups,you could ask students to reformulate the sentences -swapping the synonyms around.This would enable them to see how the sentence structure would change. (四)教学方法与手段 本章教学主要采用的方法和手段:课堂讲授、多媒体教学、团队合作、分组讨论、 课堂讨论。 第八章Digressions (一)目的与要求 In this unit students will: look at examples of digressions in lectures examine how lecturers sometimes mark the digressions practise following the lecturer's main points practise note-taking learn a number of expressions commonly used in lectures12 to a lecture delivered using structure 2. Task 4 Lecture structure (3): Contestable markets The aim of this task is to give students the experience of listening to a lecture delivered using structure 3. The original lecture was given in the Economics Department at the University of Reading, with the lecturer talking about different types of markets. It is from the same lecture that was used in Unit 6. When the lecturer discussed monopolies and dominance. Note: The theory of contestable markets suggests that they are self-regulating, because other companies can easily move into the market. The result should be that the companies already in the market have to remain competitive and keep prices down because they might lose part of their market share to a new supplier. Task 5 Microskills: Word families (2) This task consolidates and extends the work done in Unit 3 on word families. 3.问题与应用(能力要求) Practise delivering lectures in Structure 1 and 2. (三)思考与实践 Extension activity For higher-level groups, you could ask students to reformulate the sentences – swapping the synonyms around. This would enable them to see how the sentence structure would change. (四)教学方法与手段 本章教学主要采用的方法和手段: 课堂讲授、多媒体教学、团队合作、分组讨论、 课堂讨论。 第八章 Digressions (一)目的与要求 In this unit students will: • look at examples of digressions in lectures • examine how lecturers sometimes mark the digressions • practise following the lecturer’s main points • practise note-taking • learn a number of expressions commonly used in lectures
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