Simulated Annealing for U with respect to Neigh SA(Neigh) Input:An input instance z E LI. Step 1:Compute or select(randomly)an initial feasible solution aE M(x) Select an initial temperature (control parameter)T. Select a temperature reduction function f as a function of two pa- rameters T and time. 模拟退火算法 Step 2:I :=0; while T>0(or T is not too close to 0)do begin randomly select a BE Neigh(@): if cost(g)≤cost(a)then a:=月 else begin generate a random number r uniformly in the range (0,1): if r<e cot(E)-cost(a】 有了“逃离”局部最优 then a:=B 陷阱的可能 end; I:=I+1; T:=f(T,I) end Step 3:output(a).模拟退火算法 有了“逃离”局部最优 陷阱的可能