haunted the high hills, and his chief concern was with flocks and herds, not with agriculture. Like the shepherds with whom he was associated he was a piper, and he rested at noon His favorite residence was in arcadia The Satyrs were deities of the woods and fields. They were conceived to be covered with bristly hair, their heads decorated with short, sprouting horns, and their feet like goats feet 附:奥林匹斯十二主神 GreekRoman Function eus Jupiter Principal god of the Greek Pantheon; Ruler of the heaven; Hera Principal goddess of the Pantheon, queen of the Gods, goddess Poseidon Neptune King of the sea, earthquakes and horses Hades Pluto God of the dead: ruler of the underworld Athena Minerva Goddess of wisdom and war Phoebus God of the sun, poetry, music, dance, medicine and oracles Artemis Goddess of the hunt, the moon, virginity, animals and Mars Aphrodite Goddess of love and beauty Hermes Mercury God of commerce, invention, travelers and shepherds: Hephaestus Vulcan God of fire and metalworking Hestia Vesta Sacred flame NOTES 1.ⅵi.盛行,流行 be generally seen,done,et./ⅵi.获胜,占优势 gain victory; occupy a dominant position./vi.说服劝说;诱使 persuade(sb)( (to do sth, lead or induce 2黑海( the black Sea)。 3.adj.未受到搅乱的、镇静的 free from emotional agitation or nervous tension 4试比较四川大学校训英译海纳百川Sea, all water, receives all rivers 有容乃大 Utmost wit listens to all sides 5住在极北地区的人 6能、应该、被期望 7 Greece(x希腊文,常用于诗歌) 8被免除的被豁免的 free from an obligation, duty or payment 9 Ethiopians埃塞俄比亚人 10.习惯于, in the habit 1l据古希腊诗人赫西尔德( Hesiod)在神谱( Theogony)中的说法是天帝宙斯与正义女神塞米 斯( Themis)所生的三个女儿,名字分别是 Lawfulness( Eunomia), Justice(Dike),与 Peace ( Eirene)。在希腊神话中,季节女神经常被描写成伴随著某些神出现的年轻女神,维纳斯从 海中诞生时就是季节女神中的春神帮她打扮的 13 food and drink琼浆玉液 14宙斯携走特洛伊王室的俊美男童枷倪墨得斯,在神圣的奥林匹斯山上开下了亲近娈童之5 haunted the high hills, and his chief concern was with flocks and herds, not with agriculture. Like the shepherds with whom he was associated, he was a piper, and he rested at noon. His favorite residence was in Arcadia. The Satyrs were deities of the woods and fields. They were conceived to be covered with bristly hair, their heads decorated with short, sprouting horns, and their feet like goat’s feet. 附:奥林匹斯十二主神 Greek Roman Function Zeus Jupiter Principal god of the Greek Pantheon; Ruler of the heaven; Hera Juno Principal goddess of the Pantheon; queen of the Gods; goddess Poseidon Neptune King of the sea, earthquakes and horses Hades Pluto God of the dead; ruler of the underworld Athena Minerva Goddess of wisdom and war Apollo Phoebus God of the sun, poetry, music, dance, medicine and oracles Artemis Diana Goddess of the hunt, the moon, virginity, animals and Ares Mars God of war Aphrodite Venus Goddess of love and beauty Hermes Mercury God of commerce, invention, travelers and shepherds; Hephaestus Vulcan God of fire and metalworking Hestia Vesta Sacred flame NOTES 1. vi. 盛行,流行 be generally seen, done, etc. / vi. 获胜,占优势 gain victory; occupy a dominant position. / vi. 说服,劝说; 诱使 persuade (sb) (to do sth); lead or induce 2.黑海(the Black Sea)。 3. adj. 未受到搅乱的、镇静的 free from emotional agitation or nervous tension 4.试比较四川大学校训英译 海纳百川 Sea, all water, receives all rivers 有容乃大 Utmost wit listens to all sides 5.住在极北地区的人。 6.能、应该、被期望。 7.Greece (x 希腊文,常用于诗歌) 8.被免除…的,被豁免的 free from an obligation, duty or payment 9.Ethiopians 埃塞俄比亚人 10.习惯于,in the habit 11.据古希腊诗人赫西尔德(Hesiod)在神谱(Theogony)中的说法是天帝宙斯与正义女神塞米 斯(Themis)所生的三个女儿,名字分别是 Lawfulness (Eunomia),Justice (Dike),与 Peace (Eirene)。在希腊神话中,季节女神经常被描写成伴随著某些神出现的年轻女神,维纳斯从 海中诞生时就是季节女神中的春神帮她打扮的。 12.gods 13.food and drink 琼浆玉液 14.宙斯携走特洛伊王室的俊美男童枷倪墨得斯,在神圣的奥林匹斯山上开下了亲近娈童之
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