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Chapter I – Principles of Regulatory Law in Regulatory States I - Founding Principles § 1 – The Emergence of Competition Law as General Regulatory Law § 2 - The Emergence of Sectorial Regulatory Law § 3 - Why Regulate ? - The Foundations of Public Action II – Principles Governing the Regulation Process § 1 – Regulatory Agencies and the Independence Principle §2 - Principles Governing Regulatory Agencies’ Action Chapter II – Principles of Regulatory Systems in Post-Regulatory States I – Multiplication of Regulation Levels § 1 - Global Regulation § 2 – The Increase of Private Self Regulation § 3 - The Increased Regulatory Function of Private Law II. Private Enforcement of Regulatory Law § 1 – The U.S. Regime of Private Enforcement of Regulatory Law: the Most Fully Developed among Modern Systems § 2 – The Emergence/development of Private Enforcement of Regulatory Law in Europe
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Tort Law for Federalists(and the Rest of Us) Private law in disguise John C P Gold Vanderbilt law school (Forthcoming, 28 Harv. J. L& Pub. Policy_(2004)) Abstract This essay argues in favor of understanding tort law as a law of private redress, rather than public regulatory law. Part I uses the U. S. Supreme Court's 2003 decision on punitive damages in State Farm Mut. Ins CO. l: Campbell to demonstrate some of the with formalist reasoning, an elevation of common law over statute, or political conservatism
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Yale law School Public Law and Legal Theory Research Paper No 52 Center for Law, Economics and Public policy Research Paper No 275 University of virginia School of Law Law and economics research Paper series Research Paper No. 03-1 Contract Theory and the limits of Contract Law Alan Schwartz and robert e. scott
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Researching Public International Law ARTHUR W. DIAMOND LAW LIBRARY Researching Public International Law Written by Kent McKeever Last Updated June 24, 2003 Table of Contents Background Definitions of International Law Institutions Involved in the Process Identification of Authoritative Texts How International Law Texts are Created General Introductory Materials
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§ 2 – The Increase of Private Regulation and Self-Regulation 1. The Origin of the Increase of Private Regulation and Self Regulation 2. The Resulting Regulatory System: Co-Regulation 3. Risks and Advantages of Co-Regulation § 3 - The Increased Regulatory Function of Private Law II. Private Enforcement of Regulatory Law § 1 - The U.S. Regime of Private Enforcement of Regulatory Law: the Most Fully Developed among Modern Systems § 2 - The Development of Private Enforcement of Regulatory Law in Europe
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Customary international law is an enigma It is produced by the decentralized actions of states, and it generally lacks centralized enforcement mechanisms. Political science realists and some rationalist legal scholars argue that customary international law cannot affect state behavior: that it is\epiphenomenal.\ This article develops a model of an n-player prisoner's dilemma in the customary international law context that shows that it is plausible that states would comply with customary international law under certain
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AMERICAN JUDGES AND INTERNATIONAL LAW Introduction I. The Nature of Customary International Law II. The Traditional American Approach to Customary International Law IlL. Current American Approaches to Determining the Content of Customary International law A. The Concept of Jus Cogens
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The role of private international law in the united states Beating the not-Quite-Dead Horse of jurisdiction Kevin m clermont Territorial authority to adjudicate is the preeminent component of private international law. Empiricalresearch proves that forum really affects outcome, probably by multiple influences. This practical effect makes international harmonization of jurisdictional law highly desirable. Although harmonization of nonjurisdictional law remains quite unlikely, jurisdictional harmonization is
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2.1 Preface to the thermodynamics 2.2 The thermodynamic first law 2.3 Quasi-static process and reversible process 2.4 Enthalpy 2.5 Heat capacity 2.6 The first law in ideal gases 2.7 Thermochemistry 2.8 The Hess’s law 2.9 Heat in some processes 2.10 The temperature dependence of the reaction enthalpy —— Kirchhoff’s law 2.11 An adiabatic reaction ——non-isothermal reaction
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