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Contents How to use an open learning text Preface 1 An introduction to biotechnological innovations Industry G. Mijnbeek and C. K. Leach 2 Biocatalyst in organic chemical synthesis R O. Jenkins
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True: Growing and dividing cells need to use substrate to provide energy and materials for growth, maintenance and product formation. In immobilised (non-growing) systems the energy and materials are only required for cell maintenance and product formation
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Preface The BIOTOL series of texts are designed to provide a self-study resource concerning the principles, practices and applications of biotechnology. This text is designed to explain how biotechnology may be applied to solve problems encountered in the production and use of organic chemicals in a wide
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1. Gluconeogenesis: The universal pathway for synthesis of glucose. 2. Biosynthesis of glycogen, starch, and sucrose. 3. CO2 fixation in plants (the Calvin Cycle). 4. Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in plants
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dissociation and reconstitution studies Abundant knoblike protruding structures were observed on the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane by EM (Racker in 1960). The inside-out submitochondrial particles with the knobs\ are capable of both electron transferring and ATP synthesis
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一、基因变异致病类型 二、内源基因的变异 三、基因结构突变 四、基因表达异常 五、外源基因的入侵
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一、癌基因(oncogene) 细胞内控制细胞生长和分化的基因,它的结构异常或表达异常,可以引起细胞癌变
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1.蛋白质的组成及结构 (1)组成蛋白质的基本组成单位一氨基酸 (2)氨基酸在蛋白质分子中的连接方式 (3)蛋白质的分子结构
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1. Fatty acids; 2. Eicosanoids: 3. Triacylglycerols 4. Membrane phospholipids; 5. Cholesterol, steroids, and isoprenoids;
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一、同源重组 二、细菌的基因转移与重组
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