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《复合材料 Composites》课程教学资源(学习资料)第二章 增强体_carbon fiber_UV stabilization route for melt-processible PAN-based carbon fibers
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《复合材料 Composites》课程教学资源(学习资料)第二章 增强体_carbon fiber_Acceleration of graphitization in carbon fibers through exfoliation
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《复合材料 Composites》课程教学资源(学习资料)第二章 增强体_carbon fiber_Longitudinal compressive behaviour and microstructure of PANbased carbon fibres
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《复合材料 Composites》课程教学资源(学习资料)第二章 增强体_carbon fiber_Fracture toughness of PAN-based carbon fibers estimated from strength–mirror size relation
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《复合材料 Composites》课程教学资源(学习资料)第二章 增强体_carbon fiber_PERGAMON Carbon 38(2000)1323–1337 Mechanical, surface and interfacial characterisation of pitch and PAN-based carbon fibres
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《复合材料 Composites》课程教学资源(学习资料)第二章 增强体_carbon fiber_Biopitch-based general purpose carbon fibers:Processing and properties
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《复合材料 Composites》课程教学资源(学习资料)第二章 增强体_carbon fiber_Surface characterization of submicron vapor grown carbon fibers by scanning tunneling microscopy
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《复合材料 Composites》课程教学资源(学习资料)第二章 增强体_carbon fiber_Isotropic and anisotropic microporosity development upon chemical activation of carbon fibers, revealed by microbeam small-angle X-ray scattering
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《复合材料 Composites》课程教学资源(学习资料)第二章 增强体_carbon fiber_Bulk and surface chemical functionalities of type III PAN-based carbon fibres
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《复合材料 Composites》课程教学资源(学习资料)第二章 增强体_carbon fiber_Short residence time graphitization of mesophase pitch-based carbon fibers
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