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药物的第相生物转化是指体内各种酶对药物分子进行的官能团化反应,主要发生在药物分子的 官能团上,或分子结构中活性较高、位阻较小的部位,包括引入新的官能团及改变原有的官能团。本 节讲授的主要内容包括氧化反应、还原反应、脱卤素反应和水解反应
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AMERICAN JUDGES AND INTERNATIONAL LAW Introduction I. The Nature of Customary International Law II. The Traditional American Approach to Customary International Law IlL. Current American Approaches to Determining the Content of Customary International law A. The Concept of Jus Cogens
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Unit 10 Text B Advertising I, Teaching aims 1. Get students to master the following words and phrases Civil, device, effective, expand, highly, living, merely ,react, respond, trace, at the beginning of, be described as, be filled
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Unit Nine \\Text A I. Pre-reading Task II. Related Information Ill. Detailed Study IV. Outline& Summary V. Home Assignment
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Unit Nine \\Text A I. Pre-reading Task II. Related Information Ill. Detailed Study IV. Outline& Summary V. Home Assignment
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Unit Five Text A Unit One Text B I. Pre-reading Task II. Related Information Ill. Detailed Study Iv. Outline& Summary V. Home Assignment
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I. Introductory Remarks Why do nations trade? They trade for many reasons. First, they trade because there are differences in natural resources in different parts of the world. The second reason is that pays to specialize, for specialization enables one country to produce some goods more cheaply than another country and brings benefits as one country shares their cheap goods with
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本章介绍了微机主板的各种标准系统总线和通用、专用接口的技术规格特点,也介绍了它们的使用方法等。 6.1主板上的系统总线 6.2系统I/0总线的标准 6.3系统设备接口
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Unit one Ways oflearning Part I Part II Text a Learning, Chinese-Style Part III Textb Children and money Part Iv Theme-Related Language learning task Writing Strategy: Using comparison and contrast in essay writing
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本章学习目标 解 Internet网络上文件传 送的工作原理,如何在I Internet网终上快 速下载或上传文件,以及如何建立自己 的文件传送服务器通过对本章的学习, 读者应该掌握以下主要丙容
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