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计算机科学与技术(参考文献)Gait Recognition Using WiFi Signals
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计算机科学与技术(参考文献)QGesture - Quantifying Gesture Distance and Direction with WiFi Signals
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计算机科学与技术(参考文献)SpiderMon - Towards Using Cell Towers as Illuminating Sources for Keystroke Monitoring
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计算机科学与技术(参考文献)RespTracker - Multi-user Room-scale Respiration Tracking with Commercial Acoustic Devices
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计算机科学与技术(参考文献)VECTOR - Velocity Based Temperature-field Monitoring with Distributed Acoustic Devices
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计算机科学与技术(PPT讲稿)Unlock with Your Heart - Heartbeat-based Authentication on Commercial Mobile Phones
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计算机科学与技术(参考文献)VSkin - Sensing Touch Gestures on Surfaces of Mobile Devices Using Acoustic Signals
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计算机科学与技术(参考文献)Dynamic Speed Warping - Similarity-Based One-shot Learning for Device-free Gesture Signals
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计算机科学与技术(参考文献)Unlock with Your Heart:Heartbeat-based Authentication on Commercial Mobile Phones
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计算机科学与技术(PPT讲稿)QGesture - Quantifying Gesture Distance and Direction with WiFi Signals
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