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Structure When to sell an asset? –Rate-of-return Arbitrage Taxation of asset returns Applications Financial intermediaries
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Properties of Demand Functions Comparative statics analysis (比较 静态分析)of ordinary demand functions -- the study of how ordinary demands x1
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Effects of a Price Change What happens when a commodity’s price decreases? –Substitution effect (替代效应): the commodity is relatively cheaper, so consumers substitute it for now relatively more expensive other commodities
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Structure Rational constrained choice Computing ordinary demands – Interior solution (内在解) –Corner solution (角点解) – “Kinky” solution Example: Choosing taxes
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Contents Describe budget constraint –Algebra –Graph Describe changes in budget constraint Government programs and budget constraints Non-linear budget lines
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Structure Endowments Budget constraints with endowments Net demands Labor supply
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Contents Describe preferences Indifference curves Well-behaved preferences Marginal rate of substitution
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Contents Instructor and TAs Requirements Course outline An example: market for apartments
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Revealed Preference Analysis Suppose we observe the demands (consumption choices) that a consumer makes for different budgets. This reveals information about the consumer’s preferences. We can use this information to
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Information in Competitive Markets In purely competitive markets all agents are fully informed about traded commodities and other aspects of the market. What about markets for medical services, or insurance, or used cars?
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