Outline Structural Testing Why testing is important Types of Sensors, Procedures.... Mass, Static Displacement, Dynamics Test Protocol for 16.810 Explain protocol Sign up for time slots 16.810(16.682) Massachusetts Institute of Technology
INTRODUCTION Objectives Brightness CLeanliness OPurification-dissolving grade Historical background a Major concerns ◇ Costs◇ Environmental◇ Energy South China University of Technology
The fox case- Room for one more A number of changes make it easier to enter cheaper transmission technology more syndication more independent stations demographics makes the \young\niche larger The networks have a hard time defending
已经具备了比较良好的条件 推动经济和社会发展达到新的水平(1) raise its economic and social develpoment to a new level 维护地区的和平与稳定,发展经济科技(1) maintain regional peace and stability, develop economy, science and technology, 扩大互利合作,促进共同繁荣
Rehabilitation Engineering, Science and Technology 119.1 Rehabilitation Concepts 119.2 Engineering Concepts in Sensory Rehabilitation 119.3 Engineering Concepts in Motor Rehabilitation Charles J. Robinson 119.4 Engineering Concepts in Communications Disorders