Chapter 1 Colonial Period I. Background: Puritanism Chapter 2 American Romanticism Chapter 3 The Age of Realism Chapter 5 The Modern Period Chapter 8 American Naturalism Chapter 9 The Post-War Period: 50s 60s Chapter 10 American Drama Chapter 11 Black American Literature
1. Summary: (全文) One of Hemingway's war and love stories, this novel takes place in Italy during World War I and is tied closely to the author's own experience as an American Ambulance Driver for the Italian Army. The story opens during a lull (暂停)in the action and the reader meets a group of men who work with the wounded during battle. In the course of waiting for action, the protagonist, Henry, meets and courts(求爱) an English nurse stationed in Italy
The Unified Modelling Language is a standard graphical language for modelling object oriented software At the end of the 1980s and the beginning of 1990s, the first objectoriented development processes appeared The proliferation of methods and notations tended to cause