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课程与教学目标的设计与表述,是课程研制过程特别是课程规划阶段的最重要环节之 是课程与教学研究领域重点探讨和处理的范畴。课程与教学目标是教育目的的具体 化,贯穿于整个课程过程之中,对教育目的的落实、对课程内容的选择和组织结构、对课 程实施的策略和方式、对课程评价的技术和方法、对课程审美和教学艺术的发展,均会产 生重大的制约作用,甚至是决定性作用 本课的重点一方面是引导学生理解课程与教学目标的基本原理,另一方面更重要的是 要让学生理解和掌握课程与教学目标的设计与表述的基本要求和技能
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To provide a deeper understanding of strategic analyses-know the situation. To discuss in more detail the strategic options that firm can consider-make a decision. To explore rational and creative approaches to strategy implementation-the tough part of strategy. To discuss how to evaluate and control the strategy selected
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An internal, operations driven activity involving organizing, budgeting, motivating, culture building, supervising, and leading to make the strategy worked as intended. There must be a fit between strategy and organizational resources and capabilities, reward structure, internal support systems, and organizational structure
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Corporation a mechanism established to allow different parties to contribute capital, expertise, and labor for their mutual benefit Corporate governance refers to the relationship among these groups in determining the direction and performance of the corporation
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Sun Tzu chinese General Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant of both your enemy and yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril
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一、市场细分 二、目标市场选择策略 三、目标市场定位
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10.1数据库备份概述 10.2备份类型 10.3备份策略 10.4备份设备 10.5备份 10.6还原
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(1)掌握风险决策准则及其应用; (2)掌握决策树在技术经济分析中的应用 (3)熟悉不确定型决策的准则和应用; (4)了解风险管理的一般策略和方法
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3.2 归结演绎推理 3.3 应用归结原理求取问题答案 3.4 归结策略 3.6 Horn子句归结与逻辑程序 3.7 非归结演绎推理
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为了提高供应链管理的绩效,除了必须有一个高效的运行机制外,建立一个高效精简的供应链,也是极为 重要的一环。虽说供应链的构成不是一成不变的,但是在实际经营中,不可能像改变办公室的桌子那样随 意改变供应链上的节点企业。因此,作为供应链管理的一项重要环节,无论是理论研究人员还是企业实际 管理人员,都非常重视供应链的构建问题。本章围绕这个主题,详细讨论了供应链的构造问题,探讨供应 链设计的相关策略、设计原则及其设计步骤
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