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18.1RS触发器 18.2几种常见的触发器
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19.1时序逻辑电路的概述 19.2寄存器 19.3计数器
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物流的概念 物流与电子商务 物流管理 物流的模式 第三方物流与物流一体化 物流新的发展 供应链管理
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Marel Corporation Robert Joel Barnett Vanderbilt University Industrial Systems Alan K.Wallace Oregon State University Rene Spee 104.1 Welding and Bonding Oregon State University Control System Requirements. System Parameters. Welding Mario Sznaier
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Aerospace Systems Cary R. Spitzer Daniel a. martinec 102. 1 Avionics Systems Cornelius T Leondes University of California, San Diego Software in Avionics.CNS/ATM. Navigation Equipment Emphasis on Communications.Impact of \Free Flight Abdul Hamid Rana
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52.1 Introduction 52.2 Theoretical Background Alexander C. Ehrlich 52.3 Relation to the Electronic Structure-(i) ot >1
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51.1 Introduction 51.2 Equation of State 51.3 Effect of Crystal Point Group on 51.4 Geometric Corrections and Elastoresistance Tensor 51.5 Multivalley Semiconductors 51.6 Longitudinal Piezoresistivity II, and Maximum Sensitivity
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50.1 Introduction 50.2 Defining Equations Piezoelectricity and Electrostriction. Electrostriction and V. Sundar and Compliance Matrices Magnitudes and Signs of Electrostrictive R.E. Newnham Coefficients
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49.1 Introduction 49.2 Mechanical Characteristics Applications. Structure of Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Materials 49.3 Ferroelectric Materials K. F.Etzold Electrical Characteristics
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