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一、 投票悖论 1、 三个不同的公共品供给水平:A、B、C 2、三个消费者:偏好序
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(1)苯酚(CHOH)(A)和对甲酚(CH4(CH2)OH)(B)的饱和蒸汽 压数据为: 温度|苯酚蒸汽压对甲酚蒸汽压温度苯酚蒸汽压对甲酚蒸汽 kPa PB kP
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一、填充下列各题: 35x-3-32x2 x→1tanx Inx 2. lim= →+∞ (a>0) 3. lim(2-cos3x)(+)= x→0 tanx-x
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萃取习题及解答 1、出下表中序号1、4、7的选择性系数。 丙酮(A)一水(B)一三氯乙烷(S)在25℃下的平衡数据(质量%) 三氯乙烷相
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一、填空 1s1 (1)设f(x)=10>1 ,则f[f(x)]= (2)若数列{xn}收敛,则数列{xn}一定 (3)若limf(x)=A,而limg(x)不存在
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第二节幂级数 1幂级数的敛散性 1具有 形式的复函数项级数称为幂级数,其中 ,C和a都是复常数
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Architecture Trade space exploration A process for understanding complex solutions to complex problems Model-based high-level assessment of system capability Ideally, many architectures assessed Avoids optimized point solutions that will not support
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一、支气管肺炎 1、原因 2、病理变化(如图) (1)、眼观变化 (2)、组织学变化 A、初期 B、中期 C、后期
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1Introduction In this report' we will present, given the space available, a brief overview o fDutch security, followed by a discussion of the law of personal security. We will focus on questions as to which practical and/or theoretical uncertainties exist. Although a major part of the books on patrimonial law of the Dutch Civil Code entered into force 10 years ago, already case law is developing in areas where the codified rules proved to be unc olutions whi
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一、填空题(每空2分,共20分 1.120的十进制表达式中结尾有 个零 ;2.gcd(-283,913)= 3.有理数,0
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