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Disioint-set data structure (Union-Find) Problem: maintain a dynamic collection of pairwise-disjoint sets S=(S Each set S; has one element distinguished as the representative element, rep[sil lust support 3 operations
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the standard theory of co.apters 1 and 2 when we covered Modigliani-Miller As we discussed in the Ch apital structure that has been the mainstay of text- books is the trade-off theory This argues that the benefit of debt is the tax shield and the cost is the deadweight costs of bankruptcy. The tradi tional view was that these deadweight
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第一节概述 6.1 Induction This chapter deals with the magnitude and distribution of lateral pressure between a soil mass and an adjoining earth- retaining structure(挡土结构物,俗称 罐麟的结构型式
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I. Structure(15 minutes) Section a单词和语法选择 Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A, B), C, D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center
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Unit 3 Tourism 1 The Great Wall, the symbol 2 The Palace Museum(故宫), the ForbiddenCity(紫禁城), wooden-structure-(木结构), building complex(建筑群), be enthroned(登基) 3 The Peking Man, skull(头颅), be unearthed(出土 4 terra-cotta- warriors and horses(兵马俑),The first Chin Emperors' Mausoleum(始皇陵),be dubbed as(被戏称为),the8 th wonder(第8大奇迹)
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Search table is collection constituted By the same types of data elements (or record), because the elements in the collection has loose relationship to each other, so search table is a facilitating application data structure. Basic operation of search table
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Section 1 Soil three phases Constitution Soil density and bulk density (一) Soil density( or Particle density) Soil density is the density of the solid soil particles only; the measurement does not include water weight or pore (air)space. The dominant soil minerals-quartz, feldspars micas, and clay minerals-
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Background information 1 Structure 2 Language points 3 After-class- activities
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Template Structures By far the most common type of fixed offshore structure in existence today is the template, or substructure that extends from the seafloor to above the water surface and a prefabricated steel deck located atop the substructure. The deck is supported by pipe piles driven through the legs of the substructure into the seafloor. These piles not
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岩浆岩的结构( texture):指组成岩石的矿物的结晶程度、颗粒大 小、晶体形态、自形程度和矿物间(包括玻璃)相互关系。 岩浆岩的构造(structure):指岩石中不同矿物集合体之间或矿物集 合体与其它组成部分之间的排列、充填方式等
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