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Fundamental aspects of network Design and Analysis: – Architecture Layering Topology design – Protocols Pt.-to-Pt. Multiple access End-to-end
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Responsible for reliable transmission of packets over a link – Framing: Determine t he star t and end of packets (sec 2.5) – Error Detection: Determine w hen a packet contains errors (sec 2.3) – Error recovery: Retransmissio n of packets containing errors (sec 2..4)
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Multiple Access Shared Transmission Medium a receiver can hear multiple transmitters a transmitter can be heard by multiple receivers the major problem with multi-access is allocating the channel between the users; the nodes do not know when the other nodes
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RESERVATION SYSTEMS Single channel shared by multiple users Only one user can use t he channel at a time
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DestinationAddress Output port number or VC number A packet switch consists of a routing engine (table look-up), a switch scheduler, and a switch fabric
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Broadcast Routing Route a packet from a source to all nodes in the network Possible solutions: – Flooding: Each node sends packet on all outgoing links Discard packets received a second time – Spanning Tree Routing: Send packet along a tree that includes all of the nodes in the network
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Routing Must choose routes for various origin destination pairs (O/D pairs) or for various sessions – Datagram routing: route chosen on a packet by packet basis Using datagram routing is an easy way to split paths – Virtual circuit routing: route chosen a session by session basis
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一、数据编码类型及方法 二、基带传输及数据通信中的主要技术指标 三、频带传输与调制解调器原理 四、多路复用
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第一节 随机过程的一般描述 随机过程的一般描述 第二节 随机过程的部分描述 随机过程的部分描述——数字特征 第三节 平稳随机过程 第四节 高斯过程 第五节 噪声
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2.1 物理层的基本概念 2.2 物理层下面的传输媒体 2.3 物理层的设备与冲突域 2.4 数据通信的基础知识
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