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3.8.1 对相控触发电路的基本要求 3.8.2 控制角a 的移相控制方法 3.8.3 相控触发电路的同步方式及输出
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实验一:集成逻辑门电路的测试与使用 实验二:组合逻辑电路的设计 实验三:时序逻辑电路的设计 实验四:脉冲信号的产生与变换 实验五:A/D 和 D/A 转换器及其应用 实验六:序列信号发生器的设计(设计性)
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中心频率可以适合于高频、超高频A()=n4温x (几MHz~1GHz)工作。幅频特性为: X 相对通频带有时可以达到50%。 用与集成电路相同的平面加工工艺。制造简单、重复性好。 接入实际电路时,必须实现良好的匹配
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One of the main uses of Thevenin's and Norton's theorems is the replacement of a large part of network very simple equivalent
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6.1选择合适的答案填入空内。 (1)对于放大电路,所谓开环是指 A.无信号源 B.无反馈通路 C.无电源 D.无负载
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The series combination of voltage sources: Several voltage sources in series may be replaced by an equivalent voltage source having a voltage equal to the algebraic sum of the individual sources
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Ohm's law states that voltage across many types of conducting materials is directly proportional to the current flowing through the material. U= Ri or R= i R--resis tance()( linear resistor) The resistor is a passive element that cannot deliver power or store energy
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7.1.1在图题7.1.1所示的各电路中,哪些元件组成了级间反馈通路?它们所引入的反馈 是正反馈还是负反馈?是直流反馈还是交流反馈?(设各电路中电容的容抗对交流信号均可忽 略) 解图题7.1.1a中,由电阻R2、R1组成反馈通路引入负反馈,交、直流反馈均有;b图中, 由R引入负反馈,交、直流反馈均有,由Rn、Rn引入直流负反馈;c图中,由R1、R2引入负反 馈
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We assume=Im cos(t+a)i=Im cos(ot+B) The phase angle by which the voltage leads
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14-4 Line spectrum A plot showing each of harmonic amplitudes in the wave is called the line spectrum
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