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第一节 儿童服装服饰礼仪的原则 第二节 儿童服装服饰礼仪的场合分类
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一、印花是通过一定的方式将染料或涂料印制到织物上形成花纹图案的方法。 二、染色和印花的不同: 1加工介质不同 2后处理工艺不同 3拼色方法不同
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第一章 包装容器绪论 第二章 包装容器结构设计方法与评价
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Fiber Properties and Identification Mechanical properties Tensile properties Tensile deformation
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Structures of wool fibers Submicrostructure – Cotex core of the wool fiber: 90% of the fiber volume, consists of countless long, spindle-shaped cells held together by intercellular cement
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Micro fibers Definition Fibers of < 1 denier Manufacturing of microfibers Bicomponent fibers: Island in sea Citrus
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Outline Carbon fibers Glass fibers Aramid fibers Ultra High Modulus Polyethylene fibers Carbon nanotubes Ceramic fibers Mechanical properties of fibers
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《染整工艺学》WORD电子教案:第二十章 热定形
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《染整工艺学》WORD电子教案:第五章 合成纤维
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