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Background knowledge Four steps one has to go through in looking for a job: a. Look for a post in newspapers, on TV, etc. b. Write a formal application to the target company and follow up with a call C. Get an answer from the company d. Be interviewed by the company
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Background knowledge The English Channel: commonly called the Channel is an arm of the Atlantic Ocean separating the southern coast of England from the northern coast of france, and connecting the Atlantic in the west with the north Sea on the east via the strait of dover
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Pre-reading Information 1. Boxing Sport of fighting with fists, also called pugilism and prizefighting 2. Early History Depicted on the walls of tombs at Beni Hasan in Egypt, dating from about 2000 te 1500 B.C., boxing is one of the oldest
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Nuclear power 1 Nuclear power can come from the fission of uranium plutonium or thorium or the fusion of hydrogen into helium. Today it is almost all uranium. The fission of an atom of uranium produces 10 million times the energy produced by the combustion of an atom of carbon from coal. By 1993, there'd been 109 licensed
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Useful Information Advantage of reading books. The old saying: \To open a book is always helpful.\clearly shows us how good it is to read a book. Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention t the choice of books. It's true that we can derive benefits from good books. As a matter of fact, books
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Background Knowledge u Time Zones and International date Line rn 1884 scientists divided the world into 24 time zones. The time in the zone containing greenwich is called Greenwich Mean Time Going westwards around the world from Greenwich, we subtract an hour for each
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Translation(English to Chinese) 1. I was greatly impressed by its natural beauty when I took a study tour there two years ago 两年前,我在那里做过野外考查,那里的自然风光给我印象极深
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When Laura reached school-going age the discussions about moving became more urgent Her father did not want the children to go to school with the village children and for once her mother agreed with him. Not because, as he said, they ought to have a better education than they could get at Lark Rise; but because she feared they would tear their clothes
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Related Information Rock music emerged during the mid- 1950s to become the major popular musical form of young audience in the United States and Western Europe. Its stylistic scope is too broad to be encompassed by any single definition; the only feature common to all rock music is a heavy emphasis on the beat
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Related Information Declaration of Independence The statement made by the 13 colonies on July 4th, 1776, during the War of American Independence, announcing their separation from Britain, and founding the United States of America. The Declaration of Independence was written mostly by Thomas Jefferson
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