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一、同分异构现象 二、构型异构中的顺反异构 三、构型异构中的对映异构和非对映异构 四、环烷烃的构型异构 五、潜手性中心、潜手性面与手性识别
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Carey & Sundberg: Part A; Chapter 7 Carbanions & Other Nucleophilic Carbon Species
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Carey & Sundberg: Part A; Chapter 11 Concerted Pericyclic Reactions Cycloaddition Reactions: Part–1 Chemistry 206 Advanced Organic Chemistry
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An Organizational Format for the Classification of Functional Groups. Applications to the Construction of Difunctional Relationships
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Angew. Chem. Int Ed. 2000, 39, 2812-2833 \That outpost of empire Australia, produces some curious mammalia, the kangaroo rat, the blood-sucking bat, and Aurthur J. Birch, inter alia.\ If you are anxious for over-exposure, to prepublication disclosure, to good food and good drink
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Smith, K. and A. Pelter (1991). Hydroboration of C=C and Alkynes. Comprehensive Organic Synthesis. B. M. Trost and I. Fleming. Oxford, Pergamon Press. 8: 703. Beletskaya, I. and A. Pelter (1997). “Hydroborations catalysed by transition metal complexes
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1858 ~ 1861, Kekulé, Couper, and Butlerov, laid the basis for one of the most fundamental theories in chemistry: the structural theory. Valence(化合价): C — tetravalent; O — divalent; H — monovalent
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Substitution reactions occur when two reactants exchange parts to give two new products. In a substitution, one replaces another
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Functional groups The structural features that make it possible to classify compounds by reactivity are called functional groups. A functional group is a part of a larger molecule and is composed of an atom or a group of atoms that have a characteristic chemical behavior. The Chemistry of every organic molecules
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一、 紫外吸收光谱的产生 formation of UV 二、 有机物紫外吸收光谱 ultraviolet spectrometry of organic compounds 三、金属配合物的紫外吸收 光谱 ultraviolet spectrometry of metal complexometric compounds
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