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Cultural Knowledge Pre-Reading Activities Intensive Study Exercises Quiz & Keys
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Unit 4: Part A Cultural Knowledge Pre-Reading Activities Intensive Study Exercises Quiz & Keys
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Pre-reading Activities Discuss the following questions (1). What are some of the thingsyou think children and theirparents might have different ideasabout?
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1. Pre-reading Activity 2. While-reading Activity 3. Post-reading Activity
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Pre-reading Activities Background Information 1. Manhattan is a suburb of New York. 2. Brooklyn is a suburb of New York. 3. Ebbets Field is the stadium built by and named after Charlie Ebbets, the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team. The first game played in this former home of the Brooklyn Dodgers took place in 1938. The Dodgers no longer play for Brooklyn. For more information, visit
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Stage 1: Pre-reading Activities Stage 2: While-Reading Activities Stage 3: Post-reading Activities
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1. Pre-reading Activity 2. While-reading Activity 3. Post-reading Activity
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Text A Part I Pre-reading Listen to a song named “Big Yellow Taxi”sung by singer Amy Grant
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Pre-Reading Activities Listen to the recording and then think over the following questions: 1. Why can’t woman be ignored? 2. What price have women had to pay for their wisdom? 3. What happens to them if you try to break their will? 4. How women realized their dreams?
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Pre-Reading Tasks 1. Answer the following questions : What happened to Abraham Lincoln oneday? How is the story related to the theme of theunit – values?
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