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1. Integrability Demand function x(p, w)(c d ) is HDO, satisfied walras law and have a substitution matriX S(p, w) is s n.s.d. for any (p, w), if it's deduced by rational preference And if we observed an x(p, w)satisfied such conditions, can we find a preference to rationalization x(p w ) That the integrability problem
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Cost Minimization Content: Definitions Properties of cost function WACM Some forms of cost functions lecture3 for Chu Kechen Honors College
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Content Lotteries and expected utility Risk aversion Metric Subjective probability theory
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Content Pure exchange system The existence of Walrasian equilibrium The first theorem of welfare economics The second theorem of welfare economics Exchange with production
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《安全学原理》课程教学资源(讲义)第四章 安全认识论 The Theory of Safety Knowledge
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The money market LM curve The theory of liquidity preference
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特质理论( Trait theory),也称伟人理论, 主要研究的是领导者应具备的素质。这 理论的出发点是领导者的个人特质是 决定领导效能的关键因素。研究认为, 伟大的人物和普通的人物有很大的差异 ,正是这些与众不同的特质才使人们发 挥出不同的作用
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Chapter Organization How the European Single Currency Evolved The Euro and Economic Policy in the Euro Zone The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas The Future of EMU Summary
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Earlier looked at Simple Beam Theory in which one considers a beam in the x-z plane with the beam along the x-direction and the load in the z-direction Figure 14.1 Representation of Simple Beam Now look at a more general case Loading can be in any direction
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一、电机及电机学概念(electric machine and electric machine theory concept) 1.电机定义:是指依据电磁感应定律实现电能的转换或传递的一种电磁装置
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