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采用关联模型比较典型的案例是“尿布与啤酒” 的故事。在美国,一些年轻的父亲下班后经常 要到超市去买婴儿尿布,超市也因此发现了 个规律,在购买婴儿尿布的年轻父亲们中,有 30%~40%的人同时要买一些啤酒。超市随后 调整了货架的摆放,把尿布和啤酒放在一起, 明显增加了销售额。同样的,我们还可以根据 关联规则在商品销售方面做各种促销活动
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2004年中国旅游业全面振兴和蓬勃发展。全年入境 人数突破1亿人次大关,入境过夜旅游者突破4000 万人次,旅游外汇收入突破250亿美元,旅游总收 入超过6800亿人民币。2004年,经国务院批准新开 放的旅游目的地达38个国家,这样,中国公民出国 旅游目的地国家和地区共计达到了92个,已经开展 公民组团旅游业务的达63个
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一、桥梁建设成就 我国桥梁建设历史源远流长,早在公元1300多年前建造的赵州桥, 结构新颖、坚固美观。800多年前修建的卢沟桥,古朴典雅、雄伟壮丽, 今仍被誉为世界桥梁建筑史上的杰作。古代的石梁桥,悬臂木梁桥及铁 索桥的建设成就,也达到了较高的技术水平,在国际桥梁史上占有非常 重要的地位
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1叶格尔CM等著.飞机设计.杨景佐等译.北京:航空工业出版社,1986 2杨景佐,曹名编.飞机总体设计.北京:航空工业出版社,1991 3 Raymer D P. Aircraft Design: A Conceptal Approach. AlAA Education Series, 1992 4[美]雷曼尔DP著.现代飞机设计.钟定逵等译.北京:国防工业出版社,1992
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The work of the external forces in the spring system of the figure is given by W=B*(U1+U2+U3)(2) W=P1*U1+P2米U2+B米U3(3) None of the above statements
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The state of stress at a point is completely determined when: 1. the stress vectors on three different planes are specified 2. the stress vectors on two different planes are speciale 3. the stress vectors one arbitrary plane is spec-
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not repeated in the same additive term where the index appears. Free means that the index represents all the values in its range Latin indices will range from 1 to, (i,j, k
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For the potato-shaped body given in class to explain the concept of stress, the field of stress vectors t(n)=t(n)(x)on the plane of normal n given by its cartesian components(1,0, 0) known and its cartesian components are given by the expression
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Concept Question Consider the following simple displacement field
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16.21 Techniques of Structural Analysis and sig Spring 2003 Unit #4- Thermodynamics Principles First Law of Thermodynamics
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