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4.4 分页存储管理 4.5 分段存储管理 4.6 交换与覆盖 4.7 虚拟存储器 4.8 请求分页存储管理方式
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4.9 请求分段存储管理方式 4.10 段页式存储管理方式
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2.1 Operating System Services 2.2 User Operating System Interface 2.3 System Calls 2.4 Types of System Calls 2.4 System Programs 2.6 Operating System Design and Implementation 2.7 Operating System Structure 2.8 Virtual Machines 2.9 Operating System Generation 2.10 System Boot
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3.1 处理机调度的基本概念 3.2 调度算法——是一个资源分配问题 3.3 实时调度 3.4 多处理机系统中的调度 3.5 产生死锁的原因和必要条件 3.6 死锁预防和避免 3.7 死锁的检测和解除
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❖ (1)I/O组成; ❖ (2)I/O控制; ٭ 指I/O完成的方法。 ❖ (3)I/O缓冲; ❖ (4)I/O分配; ❖ (5)I/O处理。 ٭ 指具体I/O命令的完成过程。 5.1 I/O系统 ♣ 5.1.1 I/O设备 ❖ 一、类型 ٭) 1)按速度分: ▪ 低:键盘 ▪ 中:打印机 ▪ 高:磁盘。 ٭) 2)按信息交换单位分: ▪ 块:磁盘,可定位 ▪ 字符:打印机、串口
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4.1 存储器的层次结构 4.2 程序的装入和链接 4.3 连续分配方式
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❖Why need memory management ❖Memory partitioning ❖Paging ❖Segmentation 3.1 Memory Management Requirements ♣ Relocation(重定位) ♣ Memory Protection(保护) ♣ Memory Sharing(共享) ♣ Logical Organization(逻辑组织) ♣ Physical Organization(物理组织) 3.2 Memory Partitioning • Fixed Partitioning • Dynamic Partitioning • Buddy System(伙伴系统) 3.3 Simple Paging Technique ❖ A process can be loaded into several not continuous frames(页帧). ❖ The efficiency of main memory is higher 3.4 Simple Segmentation Technique • A program and its associated data are divided into a number of segments. The segments may be not the same length. Main memory is divided into many partitions 3.5 Virtual Memory 虚拟存储
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3.1 处理机调度的基本概念 3.2 进程调度算法 3.3 实时调度 3.4 多处理机系统中的调度 3.5 产生死锁的原因和必要条件 3.6 预防死锁的方法和死锁避免 3.7 死锁的检测和解除
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Computer System Operation A modern computer system System boot Interrupt I/O Structure I/O Structure I/O operation DMA Storage Structure and Storage Hierarchy Storage Structure Storage hierarchy Hardware Protection Hardware Protection General System Architecture General System Architecture system call Computing Environments
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:599.42KB 文档页数:111
1 多道程序技术和程序并发执行的条件 2 Process Concept 3 Process Scheduling 4 Operation on processes 5 Interprocess Communication (进程间通信, IPC) 6 Example of IPC Systems 7 Communication in C/S Systems
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