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2.1脚本文件和函数文件 2.2函数调用和参数传递 2.3 MATLAB的程序结构和控制流 2.4M文件的调试 2.5程序设计实例 2.5.1音频信号的分析与合成 2.5.2音频频谱分析仪 2.5.3幅度调制
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在受弯构件的剪弯区段,在M、V作用下,有 可能发生斜截面破坏。 斜截面破坏 斜截面受剪破坏——通过抗剪计算来满足受剪 承载力要求; 斜截面受弯破坏——通过满足构造要求来保证 受弯承载力要求
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12-1计算例12-1的蜗杆和蜗轮的几何尺寸。 12-2如图所示,蜗杆主动,T1=20Nm,m=4mm,z1=2,d1=50mm,蜗轮齿数z2=50,传动的啮合效率n=0.75。试确定:()蜗轮的转向(2)蜗杆与蜗轮上作用力的大小和方向
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FOUR COLONY MODELS(1) Model of VIRGINIA (Jamestown 1607) Captain John Smith John Rolfe(married princess of an Indian tribe chief) House of Burgesses
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6-1已知一棘轮机构,棘轮模数m=5mm,齿数z=12,试确定机构的几何尺寸并画出棘 轮的齿形
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FOUR COLONY MODELS (4) Model of Pennsylvania(Quaker founder: William Penn seeking a place for their religious belief which included people contact directly with God, the inner light, God is in everyone's soul simple but productive life, thrifty and self-denial)
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FOUR COLONY MODELS (3) Model of Maryland(Catholic) founder: the second Lord Baltimore; carried out his father's will in 1632 (His father George Calvert, with a granted charter in 1623 from the King but died before long.)
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1 Light waves and the coherent condition of waves 1. Light waves Light wave is a small part of the whole electromagnetic wave spectrum. Wavelength (m) 102
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Announcements: Power Point Lecture Notes Available on BCMP200 Website For further reading Nucleic Acids: Structures, Properties, and Functions V.A. Bloomfield D. M. Crothers
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R. Ramakumar Oklahoma State University 60.1 Distributed Power Generation Allen M.Barnett Photovoltaics- Wind-Electric Conversion. Hydro AstroPower, Inc. Geothermal. Tidal Energy. Fuel Cells.Solar-Thermal-Electric
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