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This is an admirably concise and clear guide to fundamental concepts in physiology relevant to clinical practice. It covers all the body systems in an accessible style of presentation. Bulleted checklists and boxed information provide an easy overview and summary of the essentials. By concentrating on the core knowledge of physiology, it will serve as a useful revision aid for all doctors striving to achieve postgraduate qualification, and for anyone needing to refresh their knowledge base in the key elements of clinical physiology. The author’s own experience as an examiner at all levels has been distilled here for the benefit of postgraduate trainees and medical and nursing students. Dr Ashis Banerjee is Consultant in Emergency Medicine and serves as Examiner for those undertaking their MB, BS, MRCS and MFAEM examinations
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一、选择题 A型题 1.d2.c3.e4.e5.d6.a7.e8.c9.c10.b1.d12.a 13.b14.a15.d16.e17.e18.e19.c20.c21.b22d 23.c24.c25.c26.d27.e28.c29.c30.c31.b32.b
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一、选择题:A型题(每题1分,共40分) 1.胆汁中与消化有关的最重要物质是: A.消化酶B.胆盐C.卵磷脂D.胆色素E.脂肪酸
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一、选择题 A型题 1.a2.a3.c4.e5.d6.c7.8.b9.b10.e11.c12.c 13.a14.b15.c16.e17.c18.c19.e20.e21.e22.c 23.d24.a25.e26.b27.e28.e29.d30.C31.B 32.d33.d34.a35.c36.b37.c38.a39.e40.a
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一、选择题:A型题(每题1分,共40分) 1.生成组织液的有效滤过压等于: A.(毛细血管血压+组织液胶体渗透压)一(血浆胶体渗透压+组织液静水压) B.(毛细血管血压+血浆胶体渗透压)一(组织液胶体渗透压+组织液静水压) C.(毛细血管血压+组织液静水压)一(毛细血管血压+组织液胶体渗透压) D.(血浆胶体渗透压+组织液胶体渗透压)(毛细血管血压+组织液静水压) E.(组织液静水压+组织液胶体渗透压)一(毛细血管血压+血浆胶体渗透压)
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:190.51KB 文档页数:4
一、选择题:A型题(每题1分,共44分) 1.神经调节的基本方式是 A.反射B.反应C.适应D.正反馈调节E.负反馈调节 2.内环境是指 A.机体体内的环境B.细胞内液C.血液D.组织液E.细胞外液
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一、选择题 A型题 1.c2.c3.c4.b25.b6.c7.a.d9.a10.b11.a12.d13.c 14.c15.d16.e17.a18.a19.c20.21.d22.d23.a24.b
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一、选择题:A型题(每题1分,共44分) 1.静脉系统成为外周的血液贮存库,主要是由于 A.静脉管壁有可扩张性B.静脉管壁平滑肌C.静脉系统的容积大 D.许多静脉位于皮下组织中E.静脉血液的氧饱和度低
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一、选择题 A型题 1.e2.e3.c4.c5.d6.c7.a8.a9.b10.d11.d 12.a13.a14.e15.d16.d17.d18.19.c20.c21.c22.c
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一、选择题 A型题 1.d2.d3.d4.e5.d6.7.b8.d9.c10.a11 12.d13.d14.c15.b16.e17.d18.C19.d20.c21.a22.c 23.b24.c25.a26.b27.e28.b29.c30.d31.a32.d33.d 34.d35.c36.c37.a38.d39.b40
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