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8-3模m的剩余类环 8.3.1模m的剩余类环的定义 定义8.7设m设一个正整数,定义 /(m)={a+(m)a∈} 将模m的剩余类a+(m)记作a,现定义Z/m)中的加法和乘法如下: 此两种运算满足8.1.1中除第9)条以外的其余八条性质(其中0称为Z/(m)的零元素,1 称为Z/(m)的单位元素),于是Z/(m)构成一个代数系统,称为Z模理想(m)的剩余类环 或乙模理想(m)的商环
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第三章矩阵的初等变换 3.1矩阵的秩 1.子式:在An中,选取k行与k列,位于交叉处的k2个数按照原来的 相对位置构成k阶行列式,称为A的一个k阶子式,记作D 对于给定的k,不同的k阶子式总共有C个 2.矩阵的秩:在A中,若 (1)有某个r阶子式D,≠0; (2)所有的r+1阶子式D+1=0(如果有r+1阶子式的话) 称A的秩为r,记作 rankA=r,或者r(A)r.规定:rank
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Strain energy and potential energy of a beam brec sedans hoMe the neutra xxis remain So Figure 1: Kinematic assumptions for a beam Kinematic assumptions for a beam: From the figure: AA'=u3(a1) Assume small deflections: B B\,BB\=3+ duy
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1. A reaction has the stoichiometric equation A+B=2R. What is the order of reaction? 2. A reaction with stoichiometric equation +B=R+IS has the following rate expression r.= What is the rate expression for this reaction if the stoichiometric equation is written as A+2B=2R+S?
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定理4(介值定理) 设函数f(x)在闭区间[a,b]上连续,且f(a)(b),那么,对于 f(a)与f(b)之间的任意一个数C,在开区间(a,b)内至少有一点5 使得=C
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3.1矩阵的秩 1.子式:在An中,选取k行与k列,位于交叉处的k2个数按照原来的 相对位置构成k阶行列式,称为A的一个k阶子式,记作D 对于给定的k,不同的k阶子式总共有C个 2.矩阵的秩:在A中,若 (1)有某个r阶子式D,≠0; (2)所有的r+1阶子式D+1=0(如果有r+1阶子式的话) 称A的秩为r,记作 rankA=r,或者r(A)r.规定:rank0=0 性质:(1) rankA min{m,n}
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2-1基本概念 概率( probability 频率 fn(A)==Na/N P(ALim fn(A) 古典概率的定义 2. Laplace在《概率的理论分析》(1812)中的定义 P(A==k/N 式中,k为A所含基本事件数 N为基本事件总数 适用条件
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1 Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction 1. Experiments ① A magnet and ② two loops of wire,a loop of wire battery and a switch A current is observed in the loop as long as the magnetic flux through the loop is changing with time
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Mechanical Engineering as a Profession 1、 Introduction Scientists study the world as it is, engineers create the world that never has been What is engineering Engineering is the art of applying scientific and mathematical principles, experience, judgment, and common sense to create things that benefit people In other words, engineering is the process of producing a technical product or system to meet a specific need
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