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(1)1887年,A.A. Michelson-E. W.Morley实验否定了绝对参考系的存在; (2)1990年,“紫外灾难”; (3)1896年,首次发现放射性现象
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以O为 当t=0时 A原点旋转矢 量A的端点 O 在X轴上的 投影点的运 x=cosφ 动为简谐运动
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第10章稳恒磁场 10-1由毕一沙定律dB=x 4元r 可得 (a,o,o)点,dB= 42xi)=-2k 4na HoIdl (,a,o)点,dB=020)=0
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A practical \blue-collar science initially concerned with economics industry, real life problems DYNAMICS--Concerned with the concepts of energy transfers between a system and its environment and the resulting
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3Newton's' rings牛顿环 equipment: microscope A-a lens of radius of curvature R B-an accurately plane glass plate Interference pattern:
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The kinetic energy of a rotating system looks similar to that of a
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7-5 Conservation of momentum in a system of particles 7-4 Center of mass of solid objects 7-3 Many-particle system 7-2 Two-particle system 7-1 The motion of a complex object
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1-1 矢量代数 1-2 质点运动的描述 1-3 位矢和运动学方程 1-4 位移 速度 1-6 运动学两类问题 1-7 相对运动 1-5 加速度
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26.1 Some important discoveries at the end of the 20th century a. Measured the charge of the cathode rays; b. Make a static electric deflection of the cathode rays; . Measured the charge to mass ratio of the cathode rays;
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Electric Fields 918.1 Conductors in electric field 1. Conductors A conductor is a material in which the electrons at the outer periphery of an atom have no great affinity for any particular individual
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