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Relationship between branch and loop currents
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Tellegen's theorem 1: Consider a lumped network n consisting of N+1 nodes and B branches, let=[ b2DbB,i=. Where
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n--a large constant voltage source (t)-- small time-varying- voltage source(small signal) >>(3) bsin +i=(),+ (o)=: JOX tniog gin9go int---(1)←0=()2utJ
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In this chapter we will introduce an important frequency is that network function or parameter reaches a maximum value. In certain simple a networks, this occurs when an impedance or admittance is purely real-a condition known as resonance
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第一章 数制与码制 第二章 逻辑代数基础 第四章 组合逻辑电路 第五章 触发器(Flip — Flop) 第六章 时序逻辑电路 第七章 脉冲信号和变化 第八章 D/A和A/D变换 第九章 半导体存储器 第十章 可编程逻辑器件 第十二章 数字系统设计基础
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I Writing nodal equations by inspection determine v, in each circuit of Fig 2-32 6 A
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sequence. The balanced source supplies IMW and 0.2M VAR. If R, =12, find: (a) the line current;(b)Zp; ()the transmission efficiency
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1 Find F(s) if f(t) = (a)(t-3);(b)4t u(t-3); (c)4 cos to(t-3). 2 Obtain partial-fraction expansions for each of the following rational functions, and find the corresponding time functions:
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1. Augmented( incidence matrix of a directed graph nodes(N+1), branches(B)
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共集电路如图5―13(a)所示。这里,我们有意将基 区体电阻rbb′拉出来,并将Cb′c及Cb′e这两个对高频响应 有影响的电容标于图中。与共射电路对比,我们有理 由说,共集电路的高频响应比共射电路要好得多,即 f H(CC)>>f H(CE)
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