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7-1应力状态概述 (Concepts of stress-state) 7-2平面应力状态分析-解析法 (Analysis of plane stress-state) 7-3平面应力状态分析-图解法 (Analysis of plane stress-state) 7-4三向应力状态分析 7-5平面应变状态分析 (Analysis of plane strain-state) 7-6广义胡克定律 (Generalized Hook's law) 7-7复杂应力状态的变形比能 (Strain-energy density in general stress-state 7-8强度理论(Failure criteria) 7-9莫尔强度理论 (Mohr's failure criterion)
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§9-1 压杆稳定的概念 (The basic concepts of columns) §9-3 其它支座条件下细长压杆的临界压力 (Euler’s Formula for other end conditions ) §9-2 两端铰支细长压杆的临界压力 (The Critical Load for a straight, uniform, axially loaded, pin-ended columns) §9-4 欧拉公式的应用范围•经验公式 (Applicable range for Euler’s formula • the experimental formula ) §9-5 压杆的稳定校核 (Check the stability of columns) §9-6 提高压杆稳定性的措施 (The measures to enhance the columns stability)
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§10-1 概述 (Instruction) §10-2 动静法的应用 (The application for method of dynamic equilibrium) §10-3 构件受冲击时的应力和变形(Stress and deformation by impact loading)
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§12–1 非对称弯曲 (Unsymmetrical bending ) §12–2 开口薄壁杆件的切应力 弯曲中心 (Shear stress of open thin-wall members. Flexural center) 第十二章 弯曲的几个补充问题 (Additional remarks for bending)
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§1-1 截面的静矩和形心(The first moments of the area & centroid of an area) §1-4 转轴公式 (Rotation of axes) §1-2 极惯性矩 惯性矩 惯性积 (Polar moment of inertia Moment of inertia Product of inertia) §1-3平行移轴公式 (Parallel-Axis theorem)
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14-1静不定结构概述(Instruction about statically indeterminate structure) 14-2用力法解静不定结构(Solving statically indeterminate structure by force method) 14-3对称及反对称性质的应用 (Application about symmetrical and antisymmetrical properties
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5-1引言( Introduction) 5-2纯弯曲时的正应力 (Normal stresses in pure beams) 5-3横力弯曲时的正应力( Normal stresses in transverse bending 5-4梁的切应力及强度条件(Shear stresses in beams and strength condition) 5-5提高梁强度的主要措施( Measures to strengthen the strength of beams)
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附录Ⅰ 截面的几何性质 (Appendix Ⅰ Properties of plane areas) 1-1 截面的静矩和形心(The first moments of the area & centroid of an area) 1-4 转轴公式 (Rotation of axes) 1-2 极惯性矩 惯性矩 惯性积 (Polar moment of inertia Moment of inertia Product of inertia) 1-3平行移轴公式 (Parallel-Axis theorem)
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课程安排 第一讲绪论,力学性质 材料导论 第二讲聚合物材料 第三讲复合材料 第四讲陶瓷材料 第五讲金属学基础
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§6-1纯弯曲时梁的正应力 §6-2正应力公式的推广强度条件 §6-3矩形截面梁的切应力 §6-4常见截面梁的最大切应力 §6-6弯曲切应力的强度校核 §6-6变截面梁等强度梁组合梁的计算 §6-7提高梁强度的主要措施
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