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湘潭大学:《数值分析》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第三章 函数基本逼近(最佳逼近)
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§1 多项式基础 /* Polynomials */ (自习) §2 二分法 /* Bisection Method */ §3 迭代法 /* Fixed-Point Iteration */
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Numerical Analysis Laboratory Projects 1. Input and Output Your program must read from a file \in. txt\(if there is any input) and write to a file \out. txtin the current directory. 2. Judge Compiler Visual C++ 6.0 Enterprise Edition
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一、三角分解法 Matrix Factorization*1 高斯消元法的矩阵形式 Matrix Form of
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一、1高斯消元法lGaussian Elimination*1 高斯消元法:
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一、拉格朗日多项式 Lagrange Polynomial 求n次多项式P(x)=a0+a1x+…+anx\使得
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一、原点平移法/ deflation techniquev)=Av=x∑a
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§1 误差的背景介绍 /* Introduction */ §2 误差与有效数字 /* Error and Significant Digits */ §3 函数的误差估计 /*Error Estimation for Functions*/ §4 几点注意事项 /* Remarks */
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