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1. Stack Specifications 2. Implementation of Stacks 3. Application: A Desk Calculator 4. Application: Bracket Matching 5. Abstract Data Types and Their Implementations 6. Pointers and Pitfalls
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:316.5KB 文档页数:68
1. Pointers and Linked Structures 2. Linked Stacks 3. Linked Stacks with Safeguards 4. Linked Queues 5. Application: Polynomial Arithmetic 6. Abstract Data Types and Implementations 7. Pointers and Pitfalls
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:405.5KB 文档页数:104
1. List Specifications 2. List Implementations (a). Class Templates (b). Contiguous (c). Simply Linked (d). Simply Linked with Position Pointer (e). Doubly Linked 3. Strings 4. Application: Text Editor 5. Linked Lists in Arrays 6. Application: Generating Permutations 7. Pointers and Pitfalls
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:826.5KB 文档页数:50
1. Introduction and Notation 2. Insertion Sort 3. Selection Sort 4. Shell Sort 5. Lower Bounds 6. Divide-and-Conquer Sorting
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.12MB 文档页数:82
1. General Binary Trees 2. Binary Search Trees 3. Building a Binary Search Tree 4. Height Balance: AVL Trees 5. Splay Trees 6. Pointers and Pitfalls
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:737KB 文档页数:84
1. Mathematical Background 2. Computer Representation 3. Graph Traversal 4. Topological Sorting 5. A Greedy Algorithm: Shortest Paths 6. Minimal Spanning Trees 7. Graphs as Data Structures
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:3.77MB 文档页数:7
《计算机科学COMPUTER SCIENCE》:基于人口统计学的改进聚类模型协同过滤算法(王媛媛、李翔)
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:939KB 文档页数:61
◼ 2.1 线性表的概念 ◼ 2.2 顺序表 ◼ 2.3 链表 ◼ 2.4 线性表实现方法的比较
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.01MB 文档页数:88
◼ 6.1 树的定义和基本术语 ◼ 6.2 树的链式存储结构 ◼ 6.3 树的顺序存储结构 ◼ 6.4 K叉树 ◼ 6.5 树知识点总结
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.15MB 文档页数:134
检索的基本概念; 基于线性表的检索; 基于集合的检索; 散列方法 ◼ 10.1 线性表的检索 ◼ 10.2 集合的检索 ◼ 10.3 散列表的检索 ◼ 小结
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