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4.7.I Occurrence and microheterogeneity B-Lactoglobulin is a major protein in bovine milk, representing about 50% of total whey protein and 12% of the total protein of milk. It was among the first proteins to be crystallized, and since crystallizability was long considered to be a good criterion of homogeneity, B-Ig, which is a typical
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Problem Set 11 Solutions Due: 5PM on Friday, May 6 This is a mini-problem set. The first problem reviews basic facts about expectation. The second and third are typical final exam questions. Problem 1. Answer the following questions about expectation. (a)There are several equivalent definitions of the expectation of a random variable
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02-01-05一级考试选择题(R) 1、CPU能() A)发出数据信息,不能发出地址信息 B)发出数据信息,不能发出控制信息 C)发出地址信息,也能发出控制信息 D)接收数据信息,也能接收地址信息 2、用16位二进制数可以给()种颜色编号。 A)16B)65536C)1677216D)256 3、下列关于计算机病毒的叙述,正确的是() A)CD-ROM上肯定不会有病毒 B)病毒可以自我复制 C)病毒不会通过网络传播 E)病毒发作一次后就永远不会再发作了
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Problem 1. Sammy the Shark is a financial service provider who offers loans on the fol lowing terms. Sammy loans a client m dollars in the morning This puts the client m dollars in debt to Sammy. Each evening, Sammy first charges\service fee\, which increases the client's debt by f dollars, and then Sammy charges interest, which multiplies the debt by a factor
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02-01-05一级考试选择题(Q) 1、二进制1000000相当于十进制2的()次方。 A)8B)9C)10D)11 2、计算机的内存容量为1MB,内存起始地址为0000H,那么该内存最高字节的地址为 () A)10000H B) FFFFH C) FFFFFH D)100000H 3、剪贴板是内存中的一块公用区域,其内容() A)可以被所有应用程序使用 B)被使用一次后就会消失 C)在用户注销后就会消失 D)只能在同一个应用程序中多次使用
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02-01-05一级考试选择题(M) 1、在计算机上播放VCD采用的是() A)人工智能B)网络技术C)多媒体技术D)数据库技术 2、下列访问速度最快的是() A)硬盘B)光驱C)内存D)寄存器 3、下面叙述中,()是错误的。 A)光标是显示屏上指示位置的标志 B)总线是计算机各部件之间传输信息的公共通道 C)磁盘驱动器磁头既能从磁盘读取数据,也能将数据写入磁盘 D)不存在非冯·诺依曼体系结构的计算机 4、字母字符在计算机中的大小比较一般是根据()
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This is a good approach to questions of the form, What is the probability that ntuition will mislead you, but this formal approach gives the right answer every time 1. Find the sample space. ( Use a tree diagram. 2. Define events of interest. Mark leaves corresponding to these events 3. Determine outcome probabilities (a) Assign edge probabilities
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02-01-05一级考试选择题(L) 1、大规模和超大规模集成电路芯片组成的微型计算机属于现代计算机阶段的() A)第二代B)第三代C)第四代D)第五代 2、平时所谓的“存盘”是指将信息按文件保存在() A)内存B)运算器C)控制器D)外存 3、有关数据总线的说法,正确的是() A)数据总线只能由CPU传送信息 B)数据总线为32位表示CPU的字长是32位 C)数据总线的位数与内存容量有关 D)数据总线传送的是控制信息
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02-01-05一级考试选择题(K) 1、在计算机上播放VCD采用的是() A)人工智能B)网络技术C)多媒体技术D)数据库技术 2、向光盘中写入数据,可使用()。 A)光笔B)可读写光驱C)CD-ROM D)扫描仪 3、有关数据总线的说法,错误的是() A)数据总线可以双向传送信息 B)数据总线的位数决定CPU的字长 C)数据总线的位数与内存容量有关 D)数据总线传送的是数据信息
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1 The pulverizer We saw in lecture that the greatest common divisor(GCD)of two numbers can be written as a linear combination of them. That is, no matter which pair of integers a and b we are given, there is always a pair of integer coefficients s and t such that
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