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A stack-based environment will result in a dangling reference when the procedure is exited if a local variable in a procedure can be returned to the caller The simplest example:
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The memory of a typical computer: A register area; Addressable Random access memory (RAM): A code area; A data area. The code area is fixed prior to execution, and can be visualized as follows:
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Why Compiler Writing machine language-numeric codes is time consuming and tedious
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Assuming two bytes for integers, four bytes for addresses, one byte for character and eight bytes for double-precision floating point, we would have the following offset values:
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8.1.1 Three-Address Code 8.1.2 Data Structures for theImplementation of Three-Address Code
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南京大学:《编译原理》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第五章 语法制导的翻译
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第十一章代码优化 11.1什么是代码优化 11.2局部优化 11.3控制流程分析和循环 11.4数据流分析举例
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清华大学:《计算机组成原理》第六-八讲 计算机算法和算法逻辑实现
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1、概述 2、输入设备键盘,鼠标等 3、输入设备显示器,打印机 4、存储设备硬盘,光盘存储设备
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一、课程简介 二、计算机系统的基本构成 三、计算机系统的层次结构 四、计算机系统结构、组成及其实现
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