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Overview Spacecraft data processing requires microcomputers and interfaces that are functionally similar to desktop systems However, space systems require: - Low power, volume, and mass High reliability and fault tolerance
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Background OF TECHN Why is Software Engineering Hard? “Curse of flexibility \And they looked upon the software and saw that it was good. But they just had to add one other feature ... No physical constraints
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Optimization of Separated Spacecraft Interferometer Trajectories in the Absence of A Gravity-Well Edmund M Kong Prof david w, miller MIT Space Systems Laboratory 20th March 1998 Space Systems Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Space System Software Spacecraft computer systems and their software provide unprecedented capability on orbit, but drive system cost and complexity
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19.2 Exhaustive enumeration 19.2.1 Definition and construction methods 19. 2.2 Applications 19.2.3 Properties of exhaustive enumeration methods 19.3 Space subdivision 19.3.1 Motivation and definitions 2233356677 19.3.2 Construction of octrees 19.3.3 Algorithms for octrees 19.3.4 Properties of octrees 19.3.5 Binary space subdivision
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21 Object Matching 21.1 Various matching methods ..ti 21.2 Methods through localization/registration 21.3 Classification of matching methods 21.4 Problem statement. 21.4.1 Distance metric 21.4.2 Distance between a point and a parametric surface 21.4.3 Distance metric function 21.5 Matching problems: CGWOS, CPWOS, CGWS or CPWS
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13 Offsets of Parametric Curves and Surfaces 13.1 Motivation.... 13.2 Parametric offset curves ........... 13.2.1 Differential geometry of parametric offset curves 22556 13.2.2 Singularities of parametric offset curves 13.2.3 Approximations
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0.1 Overview of intersection problems 10.2 Intersection problem classification 10. 2. 1 Classification by dimension 10.2.2 Classification by type of geometr 10.2.3 Classification by number system 10.3 Point /point\intersection
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Lecture 2 Differential geometry of curves 2.1 Definition of curves 2.1.1 Plane curves Implicit curves f(, y)=0 Example:x2+y2=a2 It is difficult to trace implicit curves It is easy to check if a point lies on the curve Multi-valued and closed curves can be represented
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Lecture 6 B-splines(Uniform and Non-uniform) 6.1 Introduction The formulation of uniform B-splines can be generalized to accomplish certain objectives These include Non-uniform parameterization Greater general flexibility Change of one polygon vertex in a Bezier curve or of one data point in a cardinal(or interpolatory) spline curve changes entire curve(global schemes) Remove necessity to increase degree of Bezier curves or construct composite Bezier curves
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