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10.1传统的支付方式 10.2电子支付 10.3国际上通行的两种电子支付安全协议 10.4网上银行 10.5电子支付中存在的问题
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12.1网络交易风险和安全管理的基本思路 12.2客户认证技术 12.3防止黑客入侵 12.4网络交易系统的安全管理制度 12.5电子商务交易安全的法律保障
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Chapter 7 Internet marketing 7.1. Introduction of internet marketing 7.1.1 Internet marketing defined What is internet marketing? Internet marketing or internet-based marketing can be defined as the use of the Internet and related digital technologies to achieve marketing objectives and support the modern marketing concept. These technologies include the Internet media and other digital
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Chapter 1 Introduction of Electronic commerce 1. 1 Development of Electronic Commerce(e-commerce 1.1.1 Histor Throughout history, attempts to promote new means of communication were simply means with which to increase opportunities for ease, efficiency and security. The foundations on which electronic commerce is based started 125 years ago with the use of telegraph
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Chapter 9 The principle of ebXML 9.1 The introduction of ebXML 9.1.1 What is ebXML? ebXML is a global electronic business standard that is sponsored by UN/CEFACT(United Nations Center For Trade Facilitation And Electronic Business)and OASIS(Organization for the Advancement of Structural Information Standards). ebXML thus defines a framework for global
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10.1传统的支付方式 10.2电子支付 10.3国际上通行的两种电子支付安全协议 10.4网上银行 10.5电子支付中存在的问题
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Chapter 2 The strategy of the development of E-Commerce 2. 1 The importance of the development of E-Commerce's research The impact of e-commerce, particularly in business to business(B2B)transactions, continues to grow. Customers increasingly expect to be able to deal with suppliers electronically as a matter
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Chapter 8 Internet market Promotion 8.1 Introduction, category and function of Internet Marketing 8.1.1 Internet marketing conception and characteristic 1. Internet marketing What is Internet marketing? Internet marketing or Internet-based marketing can be defined as the use of the Internet and related digital technologies to achieve marketing objectives and support the modern marketing concept. These technologies include the Internet media and other digital
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第六章网络交易行为 6.1网络交易行为分析概述 6.2网络消费者的购买行为 6.3企业的网上交易行为 6.4政府网上采购行为
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第八章网络促销 8.1网络促销的概念、分类与作用 8.2网络促销的实施程序 8.3网络广告促销 8.4网络站点促销 8.5e-mail促销 8.6其他促销方式
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