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Course objectives This is a graduate student class designed to examine the fundamental issues of human supervisory control, wherein humans interact with complex dynamic systems, mediated through various levels of automation this course will explore how humans interact with automated systems of varying complexities, what decision
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主要讨论工程结构中易于遇到且机 理相对清楚的横风向风振内容,包括涡 激振动(Vortex-induced- vibration)、驰 振(Galloping)、颤振(Flutter)及抖振 (Buffeting)
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1.1土木工程结构风灾 国内外统计资料表明,在所有自然灾害中, 风灾造成的损失为各种灾害之首。例如1999年, 全球发土严重自然灾害共造成800亿美元的经 济损失,其中,在被保险的损失中, 飓风造成的损失占70%
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Model Uncertain Prior analysis assumed a perfect model. What if the model is in correct= actual system dynamics GA(s)are in one of the sets Multiplicative model G,(s=GN(s(1+E(s)) Additive model Gp(S)=GN(S)+E(s) where
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Interpretations With noise in the system, the model is of the form =AC+ Bu+ Buw, y= Ca +U And the estimator is of the form =Ai+ Bu+L(y-9,y=Ci e Analysis: in this case: C-I=[AT+ Bu+Buw-[Ac+ Bu+L(y-gI A(-)-L(CI-Ca)+B
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Controllability Definition: An LTI system is controllable if, for every a*(t d every T>0, there exists an input function u(t),0
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In going from the state space model i(t)=A.(t)+ Bu(t y(t)= Ca(t)+ Du(t) to the transfer function G(s)=C(sI -A)-B+D need to form the inverse of the matrix(sI- A)-a symbolic inverse- not easy at all For simple cases, we can use the following
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Fall 2001 16.313-1 Introduction Root locus methods have Advantages k Good indicator if transient response k Explicity shows location of all closed-loop poles Trade-offs in the design are fairly clear Disadvantages k Requires a transfer function model(poles and zeros) k Difficult to infer all performance metrics k Hard to determine response to steady-state(sinusoids
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What do you think the eigenvectors of the element stiff- ness matrix represent? 1. a basis in which the stiffness matrix would be diago- nal (if rotated to that basis) 2. a set of nodal displacements for the element corre-
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Why is the element stiffness matrix singular in a finite element formulation? 1. So that it can accomodate rigid element dis- placements without introducing spurious nodal 2 Because we made a mistake in the formula- tion the stiffness matrix should not be sin- g 3. Because we havent enforced any displace ment boundary conditions(it's a variational approach after all) Statement(1)
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