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Chapter 7: Relational Database Design First Normal Form Pitfalls in Relational Database Design Functional Dependencies Decomposition Boyce-Codd Normal Form Third Normal Form Multivalued Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form
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Chapter 2: Entity-Relationship Model Basic Concepts Constraints Keys Design Issues E-R Diagram Weak Entity Sets Extended E-R Features Design of an E-R Database Schema Reduction of an E-R Schema to Tables
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Biodegradable Solid Polymers Spring 2003 Issued Day 1 5 points/problem(20 points total) 1. The chemical structure of a new degradable polymer, poly(ethylene glycol)-b-polylysine-b- poly (D, L-lactide), is shown below a. Based on chemical structure al
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1. An early study in the development of peptide-presenting biomaterials showed that polymer surfaces bearing RGD peptides at a density equivalent to -10 peptides per each cell was sufficient to promote cell attachment, spreading and subsequent cell growth. In contrast, when whole
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Biodegradable Solid Polymers Spring 2003 Issued Day 1 Day 3 1. The chemical structure of a new degradable polymer, poly (ethylene glycol)-b-polylysine-b- poly (D, L-lactide)
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1. Re-derive the equation for equilibrium swelling of a polyelectrolyte gel where the polymer chains contain a basic ionizable group that becomes positively charged with decreasing pH
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1. Re-derive the equation for equilibrium swelling of a polyelectrolyte gel where the polymer chains contain a basic ionizable group that becomes positively charged with decreasing pH
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engineering intracellular delivery Drug targeting Today biosensor device classes Detection methods Overview of biosensor technology Classes of biosensor devices External analysis/detection
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Lecture 5: Controlled Release Devices Last time: Using enzyme substrate and cytokine peptides to engineer biological recognition of synthetic polymers Today: principles of controlled release devices based on degradable polymers Synthesis of controlled release devices Theory of polymer-based controlled release
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Main Purpose Study an algorithm: – Translating a regular expression into a DFA via NFA
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