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第四章直线与平面及两平面的相对关系 4-1直线与平面、平面与平面的平行 一、直线与平面相互平行 几何条件:P121 例5-1:图5-1 例:求平面平行于直线CD,(平面过点A) 解:1 过点A,作AM//CD 2 过点A,作AL//CD
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一、选择题 1、课程与教学目标有()几种基本功能。 a、激励功能 b、标准功能 c、导向功能 d、引导功能 (正确答案:abc)
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I Classification of Rearrangement Reactions() II Nucleophilic rearrangement() 1 Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement( 2 Pinacolic Rearrangement 3 a-ethandione Rearrangement 4 Beckmann Rearrangement 5 Baeyer-Villiger Rearrangement
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1 Find F(s) if f(t) = (a)(t-3);(b)4t u(t-3); (c)4 cos to(t-3). 2 Obtain partial-fraction expansions for each of the following rational functions, and find the corresponding time functions:
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一、单项选择题: 1、在工业建设中,拟建一个化肥厂,则该项目是一个(c) A、单项工程B、单位工程 C、建设项目D、分部分项工程
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A cosine voltage is zero and increasing at t=-1 6ms; the next zero crossing occurs at t 4.65ms. (a)Calculate T, f, and @.(b) If v(0)=20V, find v(t).(c)By what angle does v(t) I(t)=5cos(t-110°)A? 2 For the sinusoidal waveform shown in
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Test for New Integrated English Band(1-B) Key to Test for New Integrated English PartI Listening comprehension 1---10: C D BA D B C A B 11---15 wasted, notebook, pleased, value, spell. Part II vocabulary and structure
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I Let L= 1.25 H in Fig. 6-11, and determine v(t)if v(0) 1(02)=20A L 0.05F ig 6-11 For prob. I 2(a)What value of L in the circuit of Fig 6-11 will result in a transient response of the form, v(t)
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n--a large constant voltage source (t)-- small time-varying- voltage source(small signal) >>(3) bsin +i=(),+ (o)=: JOX tniog gin9go int---(1)←0=()2utJ
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Part I Listening comprehension(20) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. There are two sections here Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 10-recorded conversation on it. After each conversation, there is a recorded question. The conversations and dialogues will be spoken only once. When you hear a question
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