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选择和管理营销渠道 1、营销渠道是什么(What is the nature of marketing Channels)? 2、公司在设计、管理、评价和修正其渠道时将面临什么 (What decisions do companies face in designing, managing, evaluating, and modifying their channels)? 3、渠道的动态发展趋势是什么(What trends are taking place in channel dynamics)? 4、如何管理渠道的冲突(How can channel conflict be managed)?
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Monte Carlo Integration Hit and miss method:Algorithm: ( 1) generate N uniform random numbers, (i=1, 2,..., N), on(a,b) and N uniform random numbers, (i=1, 2,..., N), on (0,c); (2) calculate g() and count the number of cases, Nhit for whichg() (3)I can be estimated by
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Book 4 Teaching Plan Unit 1 TextA Who Is Great Text B How to Be a Leader I. teaching purpose and requirement A. understand the main idea and structure of the texts Text A main idea a. Who is great? \Someone who has made lasting contribution to human civilization is great\. b. the common characteristics the great achiever shave ------an unrelenting drive to succeed (Greatness is built upon tremendous amounts of study
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The stock Price Assumption Consider a stock whose price is s In a short period of time of length At the change in then stock price S is assumed to be normal with mean Sdt and standard deviation os√△, that is, S follows geometric Brownian motion ds=u Sdt+oSdz Then dInS=( )dt+oda
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The Question Being Asked in Value at Risk (VaR) \What loss level is such that we are X% confident it will not be exceeded in N business days?\
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3.1 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Definition- The discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) X(eio) of a sequence x[n] is given by jae In general,() is a complex function of the real variable and can be written as X(eio) Xre(eio) +j Xim(eio)
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Objective-Determination- of realizable transfer function G() approximating a given frequency response specification is an important step in the development of a digital filter If an IIR filter is desired, G() should be a stable real rational function Digital filter design is the process of deriving the transfer function G
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1.1 Introduction Any problems about signal analyses and processing may be thought of letting signals trough systems. f(t) y(t) h(t) From f(t) and h(t), find y(t), Signal processing From f(t) and y(t), find h(t), System design From(t)andh(t), find(t), Signal reconstruction
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1. Any arbitrary input sequence x[n] can be expressed as a linear combination of delaved and advanced unit sample sequences [n]=x[k][n-k] k=-0 2. .Linear Time-Invariant()System A system satisfying both the linearity and the time-invariance property. .If yiln] is the output due to an input xiln] and y2ln] is the output due to an input x2n] then for an input xn]=axiln]+bx2n] the output is given by ]=]+by2[n]
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Chapter 1 Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to Name the basic components of object-oriented programming. Differentiate classes and objects. Differentiate class and instance methods. Differentiate class and instance data values
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