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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 24.(b) A benzyl group(C., CH2) is ortho to the phenolic hydroxyl group in o-benzylphenol. OH CH2C.Hs (c)Naphthalene is numbered as shown. 3-Nitro-I-naphth has a hydroxyl group at C-1 and a nitro group
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一、概述 1、概念:构成生物体的元素,已知有五十多种,除去C、H、O、N四种构成水分和有机物质的元素外,其它元素统称为矿物质。 2、功能 (1)是构成生物体的组成部分
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Modified atmosphere packaged (MAP )prepared fresh produce provides substrates and environmental conditions conducive to the survival and growth of microorganisms. Minimal processing treatments such as peeling and slicing disrupt surface tissues, expose cytoplasm and provide a potentially richer source of nutrients than intact produce(Brackett 1994; Barry-Ryan and O'Beirne, 1998, 2000). This, combined with high Aw and either close to neutral (vegetables) or low acid (many fruits) tissue pH, facilitate microbial growth (Beuchat, 1996)
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n--a large constant voltage source (t)-- small time-varying- voltage source(small signal) >>(3) bsin +i=(),+ (o)=: JOX tniog gin9go int---(1)←0=()2utJ
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An overview on D-glucose metabolism The major fuel of most organisms,4'o=-2840kJ/mole if completely oxidized to CO, and H, via the glycolysis pathway, citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation (generating ATP). Can also be oxidized to make NADPH and ribose-5-P via the pentose phosphate pathway
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In addition to the equations of linear impulse and momentum considered in the previous lecture, there is a parallel set of equations that relate the angular impulse and momentum. Angular Momentum We consider a particle of mass, m, with velocity v, moving under the influence of a force F. The angular momentum about point O is defined as the \moment\ of the particle's linear
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计算机系统的组成 由硬件和软件组成。 1.硬件:可视为多种资源: (1)处理信息资源CPU; (2)存储信息资源—存储器; (3)交换信息资源I/O设备。 2.软件:即程序 (1)系统软件:各用户共同使用,如操作系统 (OS),编译/解释程序,汇编程序,诊断程序等 (2)应用软件:为解决用户问题编写的程序
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一、CAD常用命令 二、打开文件Ctrl+O新建文件Ctrl+N 三、文件存盘Ctrl+s
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一、形态构造特征(1) 1 体制:单细胞或群体,无多细胞体。 2 无典型的细胞核,称为蓝细菌(Cyanobacteria)。 3 无色素体,色素均匀地散在细胞周围的原生质内。色素成分主要为叶绿素a、β胡萝卜素、藻胆素。藻胆素是蓝藻的特征色素,包括蓝藻藻蓝素(c--phycocyanin,C3H4N4O)、蓝344748藻藻红素(c--phycoerythrin,C34H42N4)和别藻34424
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第一节植物细胞的基本概念 一、细胞的研究简史 (一)细胞的发现1665年Robert Hooke:Cell (二)细胞学说的创立Schleiden、 Schwann (三)实验细胞学的发展O.Hertwig (四)分子细胞学的兴起Watson、 Crick四个时期:
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