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蚌埠医学院:《医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology》课程教学资源(PPT课件)真菌的生物学性状
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蚌埠医学院:《医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology》课程教学资源(PPT课件)支原体、衣原体、立克次体、螺旋体
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• 第一节 正常菌群 • 第二节 微生态平衡与失调 • 第三节 机会性感染 • 第四节 医院内感染
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The General Description Composition Respiratory tract Nose Pharynx upper respiratory tract Larynx Trachea lower respiratory tract Bronchi Paired Lungs
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一、前臂前区(Anterior antebrachial region (一)浅层结构 (二)深层结构 1.筋膜腕掌侧韧带.屈肌支持带
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主要组织相容性复合体( major histocompatibility complex, MHC):是存在于脊椎动物某一染色 体上,编码主要组织相容性抗原,调 控细胞间相互识别,调节免疫应答的 一组紧密连锁的基因群
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Morphology Muscle belly肌腹 Tendon肌腱 aponeurosis腱膜 Classification Long muscle长肌 Short muscle短肌 Broad muscle阔肌 Orbicular mucle轮匝肌
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Classification There are two major types of articulations or joint. Continuous joints Fibrous joints bones are united by fibrous connective tissue Cartilaginous joints bones are united by cartilage Synosteosis Discontinuous joints synovial joints
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Chapter 4 The General Description Difinition: means the study of viscera(alimentary system, respiratory system,urinary system and
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(二)肌三角( muscular triangle 1.境界 2.内容 (1)甲状腺(thyroid gland)
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